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Classical Natural Law and Historical Law School:Construction and Deconstruction of“Universal Values”and its Influence on Contemporary Politics

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学法学院

出  处: 《四川警察学院学报》 2021年第2期69-75,共7页

摘  要: 回溯西方法律思想史可以发现,兴起于近代的古典自然法学派和历史法学派分别从不同的角度对“普世价值”的建构与解构提供了一定的法理支撑,而这根本渊源于两大学派自身所处的对立关系。受政治等因素的影响,现代社会中“普世价值”的适用主体被过于泛化,其对普适性、一般性的强化已经超越了对民族性、历史性的尊重,使得“普世价值”逐渐沦落为西方的意识形态侵略工具,政治色彩愈发浓烈。也正是由于现代社会这种越来越频繁的文化意识形态输出,对“普世价值”进行解构的重要意义得以彰显。世界需要的是鼓励各民族和国家,特别是有着不同意识形态的民族和国家,敢于突破包裹着“普世价值”外衣的西方文化霸权,清醒地认识到超越历史、民族、阶级的“普世价值”是根本不存在的,共同的价值追求背后的民族性、历史性同样不容忽略。各民族、国家应当在正义、自由、平等等价值追求的指引下,尊重自己的特性,坚定不移地走自己的发展道路。 Looking back at the history of western legal thought,it is found that the classical natural law school and the historical law school that emerged in modern times have provided certain legal support for the construction and deconstruction of“universal values”from different perspectives,which can be attributed to the antagonistic relationship between the two schools of thought themselves.Affected by politics and other factors,the applicable subject of“universal values”in modern society has been too generalized and its enhancement of universality and generality has surpassed that for nationality and history,making“universal values”gradually become a tool of western ideological aggression,with more and more intense political character.The significance of deconstructing“universal values”is manifested at the same time precisely because of the increasingly frequent output of cultural ideology in modern society.What the world needs is to encourage all nations and countries,especially those with different ideologies,to break through the western cultural hegemony wrapped in the cloak of“universal values”,and to clearly recognize that“universal values”transcending history,nation,and class does not exist at all.The nationality and history behind the common value pursuit cannot be ignored either.All nations and countries should respect their own characteristics and unswervingly follow their own path of development under the guidance of the pursuit of justice,freedom,equality and other values.

关 键 词: 普世价值 古典自然法 历史法学派

领  域: [政治法律—法学理论] [政治法律—法学]


作者 陈小军
作者 孙竞超
作者 雷瑜欣
作者 王馨
作者 王田娇


机构 中山大学教育学院社科系
机构 华南理工大学思想政治学院
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 中山大学翻译学院


作者 姚秀兰
作者 翟玉娟
作者 朱兴有
作者 付莹
作者 邓志红