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A Study about the Differences of the Demographic Structure in The Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and Its Problems:Based on the Data of the Sixth Census

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学社会学与人类学学院

出  处: 《西北人口》 2015年第6期111-115,共5页

摘  要: 当前中国人口结构问题突出,到了人口结构调整关键时期。人口文化素质结构是指人口文化素质的结构性分布情况,包括空间分布、年龄分布、性别分布和民族分布等。兵团"三化"建设对人口文化素质结构提出新要求,研究兵团文化素质结构现状及其对兵团社会发展的影响极其重要。兵团人口文化素质总体结构优于新疆和全国水平,兵团人口素质结构性差异或失衡问题是研究兵团人口素质结构问题的重点。基于六普人口统计数据资料,文章将统计分析兵团人口文化素质结构的差异,探讨这些差异对于兵团社会发展的负面影响,提出调整兵团人口结构的对策,为推动兵团社会发展和"三化"建设建言献策。 ow the structural problem of population is more serious than the one caused by the growth of population in China. It is the time to adjust the structure of population. The structure of population quality consist of structural distribution of Physical quality of population and The scientific and cultural quality of population,including space, age, gender and ethnic of distribution and so on. Under the background of Urbanization, new industrialization, agricultural modernization,new standards about the scientific and cultural quality of population is required. So it is urgent to research the scientific and cultural quality of population which impact on social development in The Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. The scientific and cultural quality of population in The Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps is superior to the ones of Xinjiang province and the whole country. we should pay more attention to the differences of the demographic structure in The Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps. Based on the data of the sixth census, the differences of the demographic structure and its influences on the social development are annualized in this paper, and then some concrete advices are worked out by authors.

关 键 词: 新疆生产建设兵团 人口文化素质 结构差异 问题

领  域: [社会学—人口学]


作者 邵俊锋
作者 胡宜挺
作者 魏英杰
作者 吴淑琴
作者 吴良平


机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 中山大学社会学与人类学学院人口研究所
机构 中山大学社会学与人类学学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 马航
作者 傅崇辉