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Study on the Vehicle Routing Problem with Objectives of on-time Delivery and Oil Consumption Minimization

作  者: ; (陈志祥);

机构地区: 中山大学管理学院

出  处: 《中国管理科学》 2015年第S1期156-164,共9页

摘  要: 基于时间的竞争战略与可持续发展战略要求企业提高顾客快速响应能力的同时,采取节能减排措施,减少能耗与排放污染。本文考虑一个制造企业向多个客户配送产品的准时交货的时间要求,同时兼顾车辆油耗对排放的影响,构造了基于准时送货与最小化耗油的配送车辆路径模型。针对这种多目标的车辆路径优化模型,本文设计出一个改进的粒子群算法。运用所设计的模型与算法对某乳品公司某天的配送计划进行求解,提出本文的一个配送计划方案解集,并将解集与该企业现有的路径方案及其以最短路径作为目标求得的路径进行对比分析,验证所构造的模型与提出的算法在降低油耗和提高准时性上的效果。 The time-based competition strategy and sustainable development require enterprise to improve market responsiveness and take actions to reduce emissions and energy consumption.Considering the customers' on time requirement of delivery,and oil consumption,a bi-objective vehicle routing problem for a company who produces and delivers products to different customers is studied in this paper.The first objective is the on-time delivery with minimizing the total latest and earliest delivery time,and the second objective is to minimize the total oil consumption.Considering the characteristics of the model,an improved particle swarm optimization(PSO)algorithm is developed to solve the model.Since the basic PSO is designed for single objective optimization problem,and it is not suitable for multi-objective optimization problem,Epsilon Constraint Method,i.e.,ε-constraint method is applied to solve the model.In order to improve the efficiency of the algorithm,the solution construction is applied and several local search mechanisms are wed.At last,the algorithm and the model are used to solve the problem based on a milk manufacturing company.The result obtained from our algorithm is compared with the original route used by the company.The result shows that the model and algorithm developed in this paper are feasible and practical and have application value.The model is typically suitable for the companies located in cities who on one hand need to consider the delivery performance one the other hand need to consider energy consumption and environment pollution control.Applying the model,firms can effectively improve the customer service level of on-time delivery and reduce emissions pollution with the reduction of oil consumption.

关 键 词: 车辆路径问题 配送 准时化 油耗 粒子群算法

领  域: [自动化与计算机技术—控制科学与工程]


作者 陈玉光
作者 吴恩华
作者 吴其震
作者 陈广文
作者 沈程昊


机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东工业大学管理学院
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 广东工业大学
