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The transdisciplinary methodology in the Two-level Lexical Categorization Theory

作  者: ;

机构地区: 四川外国语大学

出  处: 《外语教学》 2023年第1期8-16,共9页

摘  要: 词类问题是一个从古希腊延续至今的千年谜题,近百年来词类研究深受牛顿思维之困。文章运用量子思维和超学科方法论的四大公理,系统阐述双层词类范畴化理论,尝试破解词类难题。从本体论上看,鉴于词是人类语言的量子,该理论兼顾个体词和概括词的词类,主张主客分层和主客互动,兼顾言语个体的主体性和言语社群的主体间性。从逻辑上看,该理论主张个体词的词类判断遵循经典逻辑,而概括词的词类判断则遵循量子逻辑。从认识论上看,该理论兼顾还原论和整体论、兼顾决定论和概率论、兼顾局部(线性)因果论和整体(非线性)因果论,合理阐释个体词与概括词的词类判断标准和程序。从价值论上看,该理论追求理实并重,可为自然语言处理中个体词的词性标注和词典编纂中概括词的词类标注提供理论指导。 The word class issue has become a millennium problem since ancient Greece, but over the last hundred years the study of word classes has been trapped by Newtonian thinking. As an attempt to solve the problem, this paper expounds the Two-level Lexical Categorization Theory(TLLCT) based on quantum thinking and the four axioms of transdisciplinarity. Ontologically, since words are the quanta of human language, TLLCT takes into account the class membership of both word tokens and word types(lexemes), advocates both Subject-Object stratification and Subject-Object interaction, and considers both the subjectivity of individual speakers and the intersubjectivity of the speech community. Logically, the theory argues that the class membership of word tokens follows classical logic and that the class membership of word types follows quantum logic. Epistemologically, the theory takes into consideration both reductionism and holism,both determinism and probabilism, both local( linear) causality and global( nonlinear) causality, and justifiably explains the criteria and procedures used in identifying the class membership of both word tokens and word types. Axiologically, this theory strives to attach equal importance to both theory and practice, and aims to guide the part-of-speech tagging of word tokens in natural language processing and the word class labeling of lexemes in dictionary making.

关 键 词: 词类 双层词类范畴化理论 量子思维 超学科性

领  域: [语言文字—语言学]


作者 廖华
作者 顾俊玲
作者 陈映璇
作者 张书克
作者 刘红燕


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理学系
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系
机构 中山大学外国语学院


作者 张莹
作者 李丹
作者 陈平文
作者 徐郑慧
作者 宁天舒