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A Study of Heterosemy Representation in Modern Italian

作  者: ; (陈英);

机构地区: 四川外国语大学

出  处: 《解放军外国语学院学报》 2023年第4期60-68,F0003,共10页

摘  要: 作为印欧语系中形态发达的罗曼语,现代意大利语常被认为少有兼类词。不过,前人多从转类构词角度对意大利语中的语法多功能现象进行思辨研究,缺乏大数据调查。本文基于双层词类范畴化理论,自建“《津加雷利意大利语词典》词类标注数据库”,对现代意大利语概括词的兼类现状进行调查。结果显示,意大利语兼类词数量巨大且类型较多。研究表明,词是人类语言的量子,兼类词呈现的是社群语言词库中概括词的词类叠加,之所以不少学者认为现代意大利语少有兼类词,主要是受制于牛顿思维的束缚,局限于从个体词角度观察现代意大利语的词类问题。 It is universally acknowledged that multi-category lexemes are infrequent in Modern Italian,an Indo-European(Romance)language with rich morphology.Previous studies concerning the multifunctionality in Modern Italian are mostly speculative and focus on conversion,and there is a lack of large-scale empirical studies on the status quo of heterosemous lexemes in Italian,From the perspective of the Two-Level Lexical Categorization Theory,this paper aims to conduct a survey of heterosemous lexemes in Modern Italian through a DIY Database of Lo Zingarelli(2016),the most authoritative dictionary for native Italians.It is found that 1)there are as many as 9765 multi-category lexemes in Italian,amounting to 8.94% of all lexemes in the Dictionary;2)there are 45 types of heterosemous lexemes in Italian,among which 41 types are discovered for the first time;3)heterosemy is a common feature of human languages,in that those lexemes belonging to nouns and adjectives are the most prominent in Modern Italian.It is shown that since words are the quanta of human languages,the main reason why so many scholars believe that there are few multi-category lexemes in Modern Italian resides in the fact that they are subject to the influence of Newtonian thinking,adhering to the scientistic view of single-level reality in lexical categorization.

关 键 词: 意大利语 兼类词 牛顿思维 量子思维 双层词类范畴化理论

领  域: []


作者 陈映璇
作者 张书克
作者 宋晓艳
作者 夏全胜
作者 王仁强


机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
