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A Study on the Continuum between Foreignization and Domestication

作  者: ;

机构地区: 四川外语学院

出  处: 《现代外语》 2004年第1期49-55,共7页

摘  要: 标记理论是一个具有强大解释力的理论工具,数十年来不断发展完善,用途十分广泛。本文从功能类型学标记理论的角度审视了翻译策略范畴中的异化与归化的问题,认为归化是无标记的翻译,异化是有标记的翻译,选择异化翻译策略必须要有充分的理由:异化与归化内部还可以进行次范畴的划分,异化与归化只是程度上的差异,两者之间的界限是模糊的,从极端异化到极端归化正好形成一个连续体:异化与归化在一定条件下可以发生转化,如译者的双语双文化修养及其翻译思想、文本类型、时间因素、读者因素、文化距离以及话语权利等。 This study probes into the translation strategies of foreignization and domestication from the perspective of the functional-typological marking theory. Markedness in language refers to asymmetry within a category. In judging markedness criteria, we have adopted Givon' s (1995) criteria of structural complexity, frequency distribution and cognitive complexity. As for markedness patterns, the 'classical' marking theory allows for only one sort of pattern: an absolute relationship between two values of a binary-valued category. This part of typological marking is inadequate almost from the start. Thus researchers have extended the marking theory, arguing that members of a category form a hierarchy or continuum and that markedness is context-dependent. This marking theory has found its applications both within linguistics and beyond. Based on the functional-typological marking theory, we have reached the following conclusions: (1) domestication is the unmarked strategy of translation while foreignization the marked, but the choice of foreignization should be justified as necessary; (2) foreignization and domestication can be subdivided and the relationship between the subcategories is a matter of degree; (3) the boundary between them is fuzzy, and a hierarchy or continuum is formed between the two extremes. However, foreignization and domestication can be reversed in certain contexts or by certain factors, such as the translators' different bilingual and bicultural competence, their different thinking of translation, different text types, passage of time, different readers, cultural distance, and power or politics of translation.

关 键 词: 异化 归化 功能类型学标记理论 连续体

领  域: [语言文字—语言学]


作者 曾小敏
作者 徐娟娟
作者 王芳
作者 赵佳荟
作者 黄月华


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学


作者 张莹
作者 李丹
作者 陈平文
作者 徐郑慧
作者 宁天舒