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On the Chapter 65 in Book of Isaiah and the Chapter Liyun of the Book of Rites The View of Ideal Society in the Two Books

作  者: ;

机构地区: 西北师范大学

出  处: 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第1期59-65,共7页

摘  要: "跨文本阅读"古代儒家经典《礼记》中《礼运篇》所描述的"大同社会"与圣经《以赛亚书》六十五章所描述的理想社会"新天新地",可以发现,《礼运》"大同"理想中对"矜寡孤独废疾者"的社会关怀,与《以赛亚书》中关心穷人、孤儿、寡妇等弱势群体的思想旨趣完全一致,它们共同指向一个仁爱、关心弱者、人际和谐的道德社会。这个道德社会在《以赛亚书》中表现为"不再听见哭泣的声音与哀号的声音",在《礼运篇》中则表现为"大道之行"、"天下为公"。如果我们不为两个文本表面形式的不同所局限和受困,一定会发现二者共通的博爱、仁爱精神实质。这样的跨越解读,可以提供给我们构想理想社会的多元视角。 This paper,through a cross-textual reading on the view of ideal society in the Book of Isaiah and The Book of Rites,a Confucius holy scripture,focuses on "A New Heaven and New Earth"in the Chapter 65 in the Book of Isaiah and "Da-Tong Society"in the chapter of Liyun in the Book of Rites.This paper finds that there are the similar society ideals about taking care of the poor,the orphan,the widow and et al.Without the sounds of weeping and wailing in God's kingdom and turning all things of the world to public use in "Da-Tong Society",the two books are aiming at building the moral society with justice and love.Therefore,if we are not puzzled by the formal differences,we can find that there are some greater affinities in spirit and in substance between two different traditions,and there are some greater affinities between the benevolence(仁)desiderated by the chapter of Liyun of the Book of Rites and the hesed(爱)desiderated by the chapter 65 of the Book of Isaiah.People can get spiritual sources and multi-perspective about the ideal society.

关 键 词: 礼记 礼运篇 以赛亚书 六十五章 社会理想

领  域: [哲学宗教—宗教学]


作者 李冬俐
作者 吴雅思
作者 刘文艺
作者 杨春瑰
作者 伍慷


机构 香港中文大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 汕头大学
机构 中山大学


作者 问永宁
作者 苏磊