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Strategy of the Revitalization and Development of Football,Basketball and Volleyball in China During the Period of the 14th Five-Year Plan

作  者: (赵轶龙); ;

机构地区: 北京体育大学

出  处: 《北京体育大学学报》 2020年第6期1-9,共9页

摘  要: "三大球"振兴发展是全面建设体育强国的基础性工程,是深化体育改革的重点领域,也是推动体育高质量发展,办人民满意的体育事业的关键内容。围绕"三大球"振兴发展的时代意义以及"十四五"时期我国"三大球"的总体思路、发展目标、主要任务和保障措施进行了系统论述。核心论点是:推动"十四五""三大球"全面振兴,要遵循"三大球"发展规律,以服务人的全面发展和社会的全面进步为宗旨,以改革创新为动力,以全面建设体育强国为目标,以普及和提高"三大球"运动水平为根本,抓重点、补短板、强弱项,充分发挥"三大球"运动的核心价值和多元功能,推动"三大球"与全民健身和体育产业内生协同,加强"三大球"项目文化建设,建立健全"三大球"管理和运行制度体系,夯实"三大球"的人才基础、设施基础、社会基础、文化基础和市场基础,不断提升"三大球"运动的规模、质量、效益和水平,走出一条符合中国实际的"三大球"发展道路,为实现"体育强国梦、民族复兴梦"贡献力量。 The revitalization and development of Chinese football,basketball and volleyball is the basic project of building a leading sports nation in an all-round way,is the key field of deepening sports reform,and is also the key content of promoting the high-quality development of sports and running the sports cause of people’s satisfaction.Around the epoch meaning of the revitalization and development of Chinese football,basketball and volleyball,this paper systematically discusses the overall thinking,development goals,main tasks and safeguard measures of football,basketball and volleyball in the period of the 14 th five-year plan.The core argument is:To promote the all-round revitalization of football,basketball and volleyball during the"14 th five-year plan"period,we should follow the law of their development and take serving the all-round development of people and the overall progress of society as the purpose,take reform and innovation as the driving force,take building a leading sports nation in an all-round way as the goal,take the popularization and improvement of Chinese football as the foundation,focus on the key points,make up the weaknesses and strengthen the weak items,give full play to the core values and multiple functions of these balls games,promote the endogenous coordination of these balls games with national fitness and sports industry,strengthen the cultural construction,establish and improve the management and operation system,consolidate the talent,infrastructure,social,cultural and market bases for the development of these balls games,continuously improve the scale of participation,the quality,the efficiency and the level of development,walk out of a development path in line with China’s reality,make contributions to realize the dream of building a leading sports nation and national rejuvenation.

关 键 词: 十四五 三大球 振兴发展 战略研究

领  域: [文化科学—体育学]


作者 李海龙
作者 黄继珍
作者 曹永强
作者 王平远


机构 仲恺农业工程学院
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 东莞理工学院体育系
机构 暨南大学
