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Public Rental Housing Entry in Hong Kong and its Implication to Inland

作  者: ;

机构地区: 湖南科技大学法学院

出  处: 《北京交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第4期59-65,共7页

摘  要: 香港公屋准入管理分为申请、审核、轮候和配屋等几个环节。公屋准入申请环节不仅有科学的申请程序,而且对申请者的住房状况、收入状况及资产状况等也有严格的标准;公屋审核环节,分为初审和配屋资格审查与核实阶段,配屋资格审查与核实阶段既可证实或证伪初审结果,又可根据申请者家庭状况的变化取消资格或加快配屋;在轮候和配屋环节,也分别有相应规定。借鉴香港经验,内地并轨后公共租赁住房准入管理应制定严格的准入标准,由专业部门进行专业化运营和管理;准入审核管理应科学化、周期化及常态化;准入监督管理应加强动态审查与重典处罚;同时,应实行精细化管理,体现必要的人文关怀。 The procedures of public rental housing (PRH) entry in Hong Kong include appl verification, waiting and flat allocation. The application of PRH is carried out in scientific proc and the applicants ' conditions are strictly examined, including housing, income and asset s etc. ; the verification of PRH is divided into preliminary vetting and qualification assessment, ter can not only prove or disprove the result of preliminary vetting, but also disqualify or ac flat allocation according to changes of the applicant's conditions; the waiting and flat allocation also follow corresponding provisions. To learn from the experience of Hong Kong, the inland ication, edures, ituation the latcelerate of PRH govern- ment should set strict entry standards for PRH entry after the merger of indemnificatory housing, and operate and manage professionally with specialized departments; the entry verification management should be scientific, periodical and normalized; the entry supervision management should strengthen dynamic verification and punishment of lawbreakers. At the same time, the government should carry out delicacy management, and embody humanistic care when it is necessary.

关 键 词: 公屋 准入管理 公共租赁住房 启示

领  域: [] []


作者 毛小平
作者 郭祖军
作者 潘洋
作者 刘雅荔


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 深圳大学土木工程学院
机构 广东技术师范学院
