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Effect of the Failed “Quasi-loyalty Program” on Customer Satisfaction

作  者: (韦夏); (涂荣庭); ;

机构地区: 深圳大学管理学院

出  处: 《管理科学》 2017年第3期110-121,共12页

摘  要: 近年来,一种介于促销和忠诚计划之间的新型顾客激励方式日益盛行,商家在交易后给顾客意料之外的回馈,希望给消费者带去惊喜和乐趣,获得更高的顾客满意度,从而培养良好的顾客关系。但是,意外赠礼对顾客并不总是惊喜,顾客可能会对它不喜欢或不满意,即意外赠礼失败。前人对意外赠礼的研究多集中于"意外"所带来的积极效果,忽略了意外赠礼失败可能导致的风险以及企业如何应对意外赠礼失败。探讨对于不同消费目标的顾客,不同类型的意外赠礼以及意外赠礼的成败对顾客满意的影响,并提出减少意外赠礼失败风险的方法。通过3个前测和两项主实验,969名中国某高校学生有偿参与实验,采用方差分析检验研究假设。实验1采用消费目标(实用和享乐)×赠礼类型(实用和享乐)×赠礼成败(成功和失败)的组间实验,探讨在服务消费的情景下,对于不同消费目标的顾客,商家意外赠送不同类型的赠礼时,赠礼成败如何影响顾客对赠礼的满意度和对商家的满意度。研究结果表明,意外赠礼失败不会降低实用消费目标顾客对商家的满意度,会降低享乐消费目标顾客对商家的满意度。此外,在意外赠礼获得成功的前提下,出售服务的商家赠送享乐消费目标顾客享乐型赠礼(相比实用型),能更好地提高顾客对商家的满意度。实验2采用消费目标(实用和享乐)×赠礼类型(实用和享乐)×赠礼成败(成功、失败、失败并关注结果)的组间实验,探讨在产品消费的情景下,意外赠礼的成败对顾客满意的影响,并检验认知关注点的中介效应。研究结果再次验证了实验1的结果;而且,引导顾客关注获得意外赠礼的结果,可以降低赠礼失败的风险;此外,在意外赠礼获得成功的前提下,出售产品的企业赠送实用消费目标顾客实用型赠礼(相比享乐型)能更好地提高顾客对企业的满意度。研究结果丰� In recent years, a newly developed marketing practice has been gaining a lot of attention: a firm gives unexpected re- wards to its customer after transaction, aiming at giving its customer a surprise so as to achieve higher satisfaction and gain long- term customer loyalty. However, even though these rewards ( or gifts) are given to the customers unexpectedly, these rewards don't always achieve the intended effects, i.e. , pleasurable surprises, because the customers may or may not like the rewards received. In previous studies, researchers mainly focused on the "surprise" value of this type of marketing practice and few dis- cussed the downsides and the associated risks of such practice, especially on how a firm should react and respond if the program fails. In our research, we explore the effects of failed "unexpected reward program" ( referred to as "quasi-loyalty program" in this study) on customer satisfaction, taking into account of different consumption goals and various types of rewards given. Then we further propose coping strategies to reduce the associated risks of such program. Two studies were conducted and 969 universi- ty students from a large university were recruited to have our hypotheses tested. Study 1 was a 2 (consumption goals: utilitarian vs. hedonic) x 2 (reward types: utilitarian vs. hedonic) x 2 (end results of the quasi-reward program: success vs. failure) between-subject scenario design of a "service" consumption. The results showed that the satisfaction level of the utilitarian-oriented customers did not decrease even when the quasi-reward program failed. It suggested that to these customers, having the rewards was still "better than nothing" ; however, by contrast, customers with hedonic consumption goal showed a decreased satisfaction, and low tolerance for a failed unexpected reward. Study 2 was a 2 ( consumption goals : utilitarian vs. hedonie) x 2 ( reward types : utilitarian vs. hedonic) x 3 ( end results of the

关 键 词: 忠诚计划 消费目标 意外赠礼 赠礼失败 顾客满意

领  域: [经济管理—市场营销] [经济管理—产业经济]


作者 丁浩员
作者 孟洋
作者 李世琼
作者 颜小平
作者 阳林


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东工业大学管理学院


作者 邓志旺
作者 蒋学民
作者 宋阳
作者 肖良生