机构地区: 深圳大学管理学院
出 处: 《中国软科学》 2010年第5期45-56,共12页
摘 要: 国货意识可视为一个国家品牌的社群成员出于对自己国家社群的责任感,而对本国品牌产生的偏向意识。借鉴集体自尊、社会认同、爱国主义等社会心理学理论提出假设模型,之后使用结构方程模型方法进行实证检验。结果发现:国货意识是在民族经济忧患意识、国民爱国情感和国民社群身份认同的影响下形成的;民族经济忧患意识受到国家集体自尊影响;国民爱国情感受到国民社群身份认同的影响;国民社群身份认同在国家集体自尊影响下得以强化。 National-brand consciousness can be regarded as a national community member's bias toward a national brand out of his or her responsibility on national community.According to this assumption,the authors put forward several hypotheses based on some theories of Social Psychology,such as collective self-esteem,social identity and patriotism.Afterwards,the empirical approach of structural equation modeling(SEM) is adopted to test these hypotheses.The research findings are:(1) national-brand consciousness is influenced by anxiety consciousness of national economy,patriotic emotion and national community identification;(2) anxiety consciousness of national economy is influenced by national collective self-esteem;(3) national emotion is influenced by national collective self-esteem;(4) national community identification is strengthened by national collective self-esteem.
领 域: [经济管理—市场营销] [经济管理—产业经济]