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The Myth and Progress of the Freedom of Press in Taiwan Following the Lifting of the “Martial Law”

作  者: (谢清果); ;

机构地区: 厦门大学新闻传播学院

出  处: 《台湾研究集刊》 2014年第1期15-22,共8页

摘  要: 台湾新闻自由实践在其政党角力中扮演着工具角色。换言之,新闻自由从来就不是政党角力的目的,只是权力斗争的工具。多党纷争时期,在野党高举"新闻自由"旗帜,与国民党争夺媒体资源。政党轮替后,对峙的国民两党都是表面附和"新闻自由",实际上却采用隐性、间接的方式操控媒体。政党竞争带来了广电媒体的解禁、新闻自由法律法规的修正、新闻自由观念的成熟等正面效应。但政党对媒体的变相操控却让新闻自由异化,"只问政党,不问事实"的蓝绿媒体难以承担"第四权"责任。 Taiwan freedom of the press plays a tool role in the process of competition between the political parties. In other words, the press freedom has never been the purpose of competing political parties, but only a tool of power struggle between the parties. During the multi-party dispute period the opposition party, holding high the banner of the "freedom of the press", vied with KMT for the media resources. Following the change of the ruling parties, the two confronting parties, the KMT and DPP, have tried to manipulate the media in a covert or an indirect way though seemingly both pretend to echo the "press free- dom". The party competition has actually brought about positive effects such as the lifting of the ban of radio and television media, the amendment of the freedom of press and the mature of its concept. However, the disguised manipulation of the media by the parties has caused in many ways the dissimilation of the press freedom, making it hard for the blue and green media which only "care about the party' s stand rather than the fact" to bear the responsibility of "the fourth power".

关 键 词: 解严 国民党 民进党 新闻自由

领  域: [文化科学—传播学]


作者 舒习龙
作者 易素梅
作者 黄勇文
作者 洋慧
作者 王家英


机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 香港中文大学
机构 深圳大学


作者 孙海峰
作者 黄春平
作者 王璐
作者 于晓峰
作者 王婷