机构地区: 广州大学教育学院社会心理学研究所
出 处: 《广州大学学报(综合版)》 2001年第3期73-76,共4页
摘 要: 本文对儿童法律概念的表征进行了初步探究。研究者依据激活扩散模型,采用“法律”一词为靶词,让小学生被试进行自由联想,然后将联想出的高频词(概念)作为分析单位,根据它们之间的关系亲疏程度实施系统聚类分析,结果发现,法律概念在儿童心目中是从以下3个方面进行表征的:(1)罪与罚;(2)司法机关和人员(含行为);(3)法律条规和品格。结果还发现,与成人相比,儿童对法律概念的表征无论是从维度还是从内容深度上都要单一、浅表和具体得多。 Introduced in this paper is a preliminary research on the representation of the concept of law for Chinese children. According to the Spreading Activation Model, the word "law" was presented as a stimulus which 100 primary school pupils were asked to use for association. Then 71 law-related words with frequency above 3% were collected as units of analysis. Based on the interrelation, a cluster analysis was carried out, which revealed three facets of the representation of law concept: (1) crimes and punishments; (2)judicial organ and personnel; (3) regulations and character of law. Contrasted with those of adult, the dimension and the context depth of children's cognition of law were much simplier, mere superficial and specific.