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A Comparison of Different Cognitive Control Components between Non-proficient and Proficient Chinese-English Bilinguals

作  者: (范小月); (王瑞明); ; ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理应用研究中心

出  处: 《心理科学》 2012年第6期1304-1308,共5页

摘  要: 使用面孔任务考察熟练和非熟练中英双语者在不同认知控制成分上的差异。被试为60名大学生。结果表明,熟练中英双语者在抑制控制和转换上的反应时消耗量均显著小于非熟练中英双语者,但在反应抑制上的反应时消耗量与非熟练中英双语者没有显著差异。该结果说明,二语熟练程度越高,中英双语者的认知灵活性和抑制控制就越强;但是二语熟练程度对反应抑制没有明显的影响。由此可以推测,二语学习能促进中英双语者的认知灵活性和抑制控制,但对反应抑制没有明显的促进作用。 A large number of studies have demonstrated the bilinguals' advantage in cognitive control, and some researchers have explored the components of cognitive control. However, there are four gaps. ( 1 ) Most studies only examined one or two components of cognitive control. Few studies clearly defined cognitive control and systematically compared these components between non-proficient bilinguals and proficient bilinguals. (2) Compared with non-proficient bilinguals, do proficient bilinguals 'also have advantages in some components of cognitive control? ( 3 ) Is the influence of bilingualism on some components of cognitive control in bilingual children consistent with that in bilingual adults? (4) Are existing results suitable for Chinese-English bilinguals? The present study aims at answering these questions. Thirty non-proficient Chinese-English bilinguals and thirty proficient Chinese-English bilinguals were asked to administer the "faces task". All the participants were adults. Before the task, they finished the Raven Intelligence Test, culture, ethnic background and social economic status (SES) survey to eliminate the influence of some irrelevant variables. In the face task, the colored eyes could be looking either straight ahead or towards one of the two boxes, creating the straight eyes task and the gaze shift task. The participants should press the key on the same side as the box containing the asterisk if the eyes turned green and the opposite side if the eyes turned red. Inhibitory control was assessed by the difference in RT between trials in which the eyes looked towards the target and those in which the eyes looked away from the target in the gaze shift task. The results showed that the non-proficient Chinese-English bilinguals produced a larger cost than the proficient Chinese-English bilinguals, t(57) = 2. 107, p = . 040. Cognitive flexibility was assessed by the difference between mixed and single block presentations. The results showed that the non-proflcient

关 键 词: 中英双语者 熟练水平 认知灵活性 抑制控制 反应抑制

领  域: [哲学宗教—基础心理学] [哲学宗教—心理学]


作者 林哲婷
作者 吴际
作者 陈超莹
作者 范小月
作者 叶嘉文


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理应用研究中心
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学新华学院外国语言文学系


作者 张丽莲
作者 倪坚
作者 程建伟
作者 杨彪
作者 杜平