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The Functions of “Zikhai(即係)” in Cantonese Conversation and Its Grammaticalization

作  者: (张惟); ;

机构地区: 香港城市大学

出  处: 《语言科学》 2012年第4期387-395,共9页

摘  要: 文章对粤语中通常认为系词之一的"即係"(zikhai)在自然会话中的功能进行了描述。作者用会话分析的方法对3个共计78分钟的日常会话中所发现的246个含zikhai的会话片段一一作了分析,发现zikhai在粤语词典通常定义的两个语法功能——作系动词或者语篇连接词——在会话中很少见,而常见的是另三种会话功能:解释说明标记、修补标记和停顿填充词。换言之,会话交际中,zikhai已经超越了该词原来的语义范畴,扩展为一个组织、构造话轮的话语标记。zikhai的功能扩展说明了语义扩展和语法化的发生。根据不同功能之间的关联,本文还描绘了zikhai的标记化途径。 In this paper we describe the functions of the Cantonese copular expression "zikhai(即係)", and explain its expanded functions found in Cantonese talk-in-interaction as a result of gram- maticalization. Our analysis of 244 instances of "zikhai" found in three conversations totalling about 78 minutes shows that "zikhai" has taken on at least three interactional functions.., as a resumption marker, a repair initiator or a pause-filler/floor-holder……in addition to the two functions listed in the dictionaries which are still in use but to a much less frequent extent. We hold that the 'interactional’"zikhai" goes beyond the word's original semantic scope and its function is expanded to include an ac- tive role in the organization of turns and TCUs. The range of the functions of "zikhai" in conversa- tions as identified above indicates semantic changes and grammaticalization of the word.

关 键 词: 话语标记 互动功能 语法化 会话分析 即係

领  域: [语言文字—汉语]


作者 高华
作者 吕建国
作者 李悦娥
作者 周冰欣
作者 闻艺


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学文学院中国语言文学系
机构 中山大学
