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The Progressive Era in the United States of America:Innovations in a Changing Society

作  者: (岳经纶); (庄文嘉); ;

机构地区: 密歇根州立大学

出  处: 《公共行政评论》 2008年第4期4-30,197,共28页

摘  要: 从19世纪80年代到20世纪20年代,美国出现了许许多多社会、政治和经济的改革实践。这一时期被称为进步时代。当时,美国社会正经历从农业社会向工业社会的急剧变革,各种社会问题丛生。面对动荡不安的时局,各种政治势力提出了不同的回应之策。寻求社会政策的回应来应对社会变化是当时进步主义改革者的重要选择。通过为社会变迁中的弱势群体——工人、妇女、家庭和儿童提供安全与保护,以此促进市场和社会稳定,这就是人们通常所讲的进步时代主要画面。进步主义运动并不是大规模的、全国协调的现象。当中包含了从地方到州再到全国层面的改革家所做出的努力。这些改革家相信,社会问题可以通过理性和同情得到解决。进步时代的社会政策创新反映出,精英的意志支配着对经济与社会弱势群体的资源分配,也支配着分配的可能与变数。进步主义的改革之所以成为可能,是因为位于改革最前沿的是受过良好教育的新兴阶层。 From the 1880s to about 1920, the United States underwent an era of unprecedented change, which was named 'Progressive Era'. During the era, numerous social problems aroused as American society was transforming from an agrarian society to an industrial society. Different solutions were formulated by different political forces to respond the pressing social problems caused the large-scale socio-economic changes. The progressive reformers sought to develop different social policies to cope with these social problems and provide social protection for the socially disadvantaged groups, such as migrant workers, children, and women, so as to achieve social and market harmony. What they did formed the main picture of the Progressive Era. Progressivism was not a massive, nationally coordinated phenomenon. It consisted of a multitude of efforts. By dedicated reformers at local, state and national levels who believed that social problems could be addressed with reason and compassion. No Progressive Era reforms would have been possible without the development of a consensus among government officials and legislators that reforms were needed and that they were feasible politically. Progressive reforms were possible because they were often spearheaded by a growing class of educated men and women.

关 键 词: 进步时代 社会变迁 社会政策 政策创新

领  域: [政治法律—政治学] [政治法律—中外政治制度]


作者 蒋苒
作者 邓智平
作者 熊美娟
作者 罗凯
作者 朱亚鹏


机构 中山大学
机构 香港中文大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院
机构 广东省社会科学院


作者 程浩
作者 唐娟
作者 孙晓玲
作者 宋腊梅
作者 刘琳