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A Further Analysis of Bo-ling Chang and the Reconstruction of Chinese People’s Spiritual Life

作  者: (侯杰); ;

机构地区: 南开大学历史学院

出  处: 《河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 2020年第4期28-37,共10页

摘  要: 近代中国著名教育家、南开学校校长张伯苓在校父严修等人的资助和广大师生、社会各界人士的鼎力支持下,广泛吸收东西方思想文化的精华,汲取中华民族优秀传统,从思想与实践等多个层面,倡行公能教育。他自我赋权,有针对性地提出医治中国人"愚弱贫散私"等痼疾的方案,倾注了半个多世纪的心血,从学校教育、社会教育等多方面入手,大力推广"德智体群"四育并重的现代教育,传扬科学、文明,以中国历史、中国学术为教育家安身立命的责任、担当,重建中国人的心灵,并取得一定的成效,获得中外教育界人士的高度评价。在服务社会,造福人群的明确目标下,张伯苓创办的南开系列学校旨在让受教育者懂得掌握知识和文化,不是为了役使别人,而是要为更多的人服务的道理,并付诸行动;每个人不仅要拥有为公牺牲的精神,而且拥有为公牺牲的能力;在危难之际,也能为国家、民族尽心尽力,高举爱国大旗。张伯苓重建中国人心灵的主张和实践,极具现代价值,闪耀时代光芒,泽及当代学子。 Bo-ling Chang,a famous educator in modern China and the president of Nankai Schools,with the support of teachers,students and people from all walks of life,called for and put into practice"Gongneng"education,which incorporated the essence of Eastern and Western ideology and culture and inherited the good part of Chinese tradition.He empowered himself and put forward targeted solutions to cure the chronic diseases of the Chinese people,such as"ignorance,weakness,poverty,disunity and selfishness."He devoted more than half a century’s painstaking efforts to promote modern education with equal emphasis on"morality,intelligence,physical and social education."He spread science and civilization,and took the development of Chinese history and Chinese learning as an educator’s responsibility,in the hope of rebuilding the spiritual life of the Chinese people.He was highly praised by Chinese and foreign educators for his contribution and achievements.Under the goal of serving the society and benefiting the people,Nankai series of schools set up by Bo-ling Chang were aimed at making the educated understand that learning meant not to enslave others but to serve more people.Everyone should have both the spirit of and the ability to sacrifice for the public interests and dedicate to the Chinese nation in times of crisis.Bo-ling Chang’s effort in rebuilding Chinese people’s spiritual life is still of modern value and benefits to the students of the present age.

关 键 词: 张伯苓 南开学校 心灵重建 私立学校

领  域: [文化科学—教育学原理] [文化科学—教育学] [文化科学—教育技术学]


作者 刘飞鹏
作者 曾宇乔
作者 李净昉
作者 潘晓梦
作者 杜慧贞


机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 香港中文大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学


作者 吴华
作者 夏晋祥
作者 贾建国
作者 朱永坤
作者 韩蔚