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Reflections on Historical Memory of the New Culture Movement: A Study of Zhili Number 1 Girls' Normal School

作  者: ;

机构地区: 南开大学文学院

出  处: 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第1期60-66,158,共7页

摘  要: 在新文化运动时期,与反传统的激进言行并存的历史图景是官立新式女子学校为女性接触和学习中国传统文化提供了多种方式和可能。对传统经典的阐释也不再是男性知识精英的特权,而是通过两性的共同解读和传播,具有更加丰富的性别意涵。在近代中国民族危机严重的时代语境下,直隶第一女子师范学校的教师和学生对于传统文化的阐释往往与国族主义话语紧密联系在一起。出于挽救国家民族危亡的强烈愿望和对社会失序的极度焦虑,他们不断阐发传统经典的时代意义。近代报刊媒体积极参与了新文化运动时期历史记忆的形成与传播,为传统文化在近代的阐释与传承提供了十分便捷、开放的舆论平台,更凸显了女性有关传统文化的言说的社会意义与现实价值。 The new public girls' schools encouraged female students to learn Chinese traditional culture through multi ways during the New Culture Movement. Explanation and inheritance of traditional cultural Classics were conducted by both teachers and students,which challenged authority of male elites on analysis of Classics from gender perspective. Under the national crisis in Modern China,nationalism had enormous influence on their views and discourses of Chinese traditional culture. Teachers and students of Zhili Number 1 Girls' Normal School intended to save the nation by emphasizing the permanent value and current significance of traditional cultural Classics. They also expressed their anxieties about disorder of Chinese society through debates,poems,diaries and etc. The news media in Modern China played an important role in formation and communication of historical memory during the New Culture Movement. Free and open discussions about Chinese traditional culture on newspapers and periodicals reflected different opinions on the nation's future. Women's participation in these discussions created their images and strengthened their subjectivities in public space.

关 键 词: 新文化运动 传统文化 直隶第一女子师范学校 女子教育 性别

领  域: [文化科学—教育学] [文化科学—教育技术学]


作者 关溪莹
作者 关溪莹
作者 金惠康
作者 周可桢
作者 童萌


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南理工大学


作者 陈立
作者 李春林
作者 李文莉
作者 李云程
作者 张德芬