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Research on kinematics diagnosis of pick up technology of Chinese and foreign elite women volleyball players

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东职业技术学院

出  处: 《湖北师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2017年第2期18-24,共7页

摘  要: 对6名中外优秀女排运动员接跳飘球技术动作的三维运动学诊断,结果表明:在发球队员击球前,接发球队员两脚时常处于微动状态,躯干保持适度放松;在发球队员击球时,接发球队员脚步停止微动,注视发球队员击球动作,精神高度集中;当发球队员完成击球动作后,接发球队员迅速作出脚步移动,并完成击球前的对正来球动作;击球瞬间,通过下肢蹬伸带动上肢协调用力,击球点在体前略高于身体重心,重心起伏小。我国女排队员接跳飘球时常出现单靠手臂抬升用力、击球时重心"后移"、重心起伏较大等现象。 In this paper, the three-dimensional kinematic diagnosis of six Chinese women's volleyball players to jump floater technology, the results show that reasonable technical action of the catcher, the body is jogging before serving players, and keep a moderate reIaxation; After the serving player hits the ball, the receiving player timely and accu- rately moves right to the bali; In the completion of the stroke, through the lower limb pedal to promote the upper limb coordination, the CONTACT PO1NT slightly higher than the body center of gravity, the center of gravity fluctuations, more conducive to accurate and efficient completion of the service act, improve the receiver. When the Chinese women volleyball players pick up the floater, there is often the arm lifting force, the center of gravity of the swing, the center of gravity and other phenomena.

关 键 词: 接飘球 技术 运动学 诊断 研究 中外女排

领  域: []


作者 王玲娟
作者 霍杞江
作者 苏永华
作者 潘文刚
作者 边永红


机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 广州体育学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州体育学院体育教育系
机构 东莞职业技术学院
