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On Continuation and Makeup of Song Poetry Collection

作  者: ;

机构地区: 韶关学院文学院

出  处: 《韶关学院学报》 2009年第2期39-42,共4页

摘  要: 《宋诗钞》是清代流传最广、影响最大的宋诗选本,其续补编著作凡四种。已佚者若吴之振《宋诗钞二集》所收诗人尚有十八家可考,考察吴氏藏书,其他诸家亦可得仿佛,孙学颜、车鼎丰《增订宋诗钞》可考得其编撰时间与编撰动机。熊为霖《宋诗钞补》具体情况尚衍待细考。管庭芬、蒋光煦《宋诗钞补》现存,然主要抄撮他书,文献和文学价值不大。 Song Poetry Collection(宋诗钞),by Lv Liuliang,Wu Zhizhen and Wu Eryao,was the most pop-ular Song poetry selection and an unfinished book.The paper was a textual research on the continuation and makeup of Song Poetry Collection,which waw Song Poetry Colleciton Two(宋诗钞二集),by Wu Zhizhen,An Enlarged Version of Song Poetry Collection(增订宋诗钞),by Sun Xueyan and Che Dingfeng,A Continuation of Song Poetry Collection(宋诗钞补),by Xiong Weiling,and A Continuation of Song Poetry Collection(宋诗钞补),by Guan Tingfeng and Jiang Guan...

关 键 词: 宋诗钞 吕留良 吴之振 续补编

领  域: [文学—中国文学]


作者 申屠青松


机构 浙江师范大学文化创意与传播学院
机构 深圳大学国学研究所


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