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On Huang Kan’s Theory of Discovering new Principles/Understandings and Fu Sinian’s Method of Discovering new Materials/Phenomena

作  者: ;

机构地区: 香港中文大学

出  处: 《励耘语言学刊》 2018年第2期1-21,共21页

摘  要: 本文首先介绍黄季刚先生的发明之学,提出:发明之学是中国传统学术在乾嘉时代的理必原理下,发展和形成的中华学术之精华;而发现之学则是在西学东渐中,民国时期中国学者用来取代传统旧学(包括发明之学)的现代学术的新方法。文章进而指出:发明之学的理论背景是理性主义(Rationalism=乾嘉理必),发现之学的学理背景是实验主义和经验主义(Empiricism)。胡适和傅斯年在发现之学的学术风尚和路线上,有着开时代的推创之功;而与此同时(或稍前及继后)的章黄之学,则对乾嘉理必的继承与发展有着自觉的、跨时代的科学贡献。文章在重温“今发现之学兴而发明之学替矣”的同时,提出“中国学术回归理性”的主张与呼唤. This paper discusses two different academic approaches between Huang Kan and Fu Sinian on new discoveries. It is argued that the key idea of Huang Kan’s approach is to discover new principles and new understandings(i.e., DPU, for short), which can be traced back to Qian-Jia School. Qian-Jia School established their academic principles on the basis of logical certainty, and therefore they developed and formed a new paradigm of Chinese academic tradition. However, another approach is to discover new materials and new phenomena(i.e.,DMP, for short), which was the viewpoint of some Chinese scholars used as a new method to replace the traditional one in the late nineteenth Century and the early twentieth Century. It is further argued that the DPU is established against the background of Rationalism, while the DMP is developed under the theories of Experimentalism and Empiricism. Hu Shi and Fu Sinian were leaders in New Culture Movement and they pushed forward the idea to discover new materials and new phenomena. Meanwhile, Zhang Taiyan and Huang Kan promoted the idea to discover new principles and new understandings, which is far more important in today’s academic enterprise. Apparently,there was a paradigm shift from rationalism to experimentalism in terms of the raising of DMP and the replacement of the DPU asserted by Huang Kan. The paper briefly reviews the academic history of the twentieth Century, and points out that Chinese academic should return to Rationalism.

关 键 词: 乾嘉理必 材料主义 理性主义 发明之学 发现之法 学术范式

领  域: [语言文字—汉语]


作者 林铿
作者 宁夏江
作者 蔡秋彦
作者 张永义
作者 田欣欣


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系
