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Prosodically determined distinctions between word and phrase in Chinese

作  者: ;

机构地区: 堪萨斯大学

出  处: 《中国语文》 2001年第1期27-37,共11页

摘  要: 本文通过四种 VC(Verb+Complement)形式探讨汉语的"词""语"分界,认为只有两个音节的 VC 才能成词,三个音节(或以上)的均为短语,并提出:韵律不仅是人们"词感"的来源,而且是区分汉语词和短语大界的重要依据和标准。因此,韵律必须视为语法理论中的一个必不可少的运作层面。最后,文章通过"被"字句的发展说明韵律构词理论在历史句法研究中的重要性及其解释力。 In Chinese linguistics,there has long been a problem about the distinction between words and phras- es.Based on four types of V(erb)+C(omplement)constructions,this paper argues that only two syllable VC forms are qualified to be a word,while other VC forms formed with three or more syllables are all phrases. It is further argued that prosody is not only what the word-intuition comes from by Chinese native speakers,but is also an important criterion for setting a clear boundary between what can be words and what can be phrases in Chinese. Thus,prosody must be taken as an independent level of grammar for human languages.Finally, based on the development of bei construction in classical Chinese,this paper shows that the prosodic mor- phology in Chinese developed in the past few years could also be used adequately to explain not only syn- chronic but also diachronic facts.

关 键 词: 汉语词 音节 字句 语法理论 构词 韵律 解释力 文章 形式 层面

领  域: [语言文字—汉语]


作者 冯胜利
作者 周莹萍
作者 徐红梅
作者 樊晓培
作者 金花


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 广州大学外国语学院
