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Prosodic Structure and Prosodically Constrained Syntax in Chinese

作  者: ;

机构地区: 堪萨斯大学

出  处: 《语言研究》 1996年第1期110-129,共16页

摘  要: 本文讨论汉语语句平面上的韵律结构和句法构造之间的关系,提出通常所说的正常重音的“居末”是以句末主要动词为中心建立起来的。这种以动词为核心的韵律结构影响和制约着汉语的句法构造。本文讨论了如何确定句子的正常重音,以及如何通过重音规律来解释汉语句法构造上的某些特殊的语法现象(如“把”字句动词不能挂单、“动宾+量名词”中宾语的定指性、“动词+介宾”结构中“动介”的重新分析等)。文章认为:韵律结构当视为语言诸平面当中的一个独立的平面,而现代汉语中许多句法现象的特殊表现均可以看作是韵律平面跟其它平面规则之间的“相互作用” Abstract It has been commonly assumed that syntax can exert influence on prosody, but itis much less widely recognized that prosody can also constrain syntax. In this paper, I will support the second claim with data from Chinese and argued, first, that the so called sentential normal stress in Chinese is assigned through the last main verb within the lowest VP domain. Second, I will argue that this pattern of stress assignment interacts directly with syntactic structures of sentences formed by a head with its complement/s, hence any violation of the prosodic principle will results in an ungrammatical output even though the sentence is syntactically well formed. The paper starts with a general observation on factors determining the grammaticality of [NP V NP D(uration)/F(requency)] sentences, and then illustrates how the normal stress is assigned in Chinese and how the prosodic constraint rules out ill formed sentences such as (i) Bare verbs in the Ba constructions, (ii) prosodically heavy objects in [NP V NP D/F] sentences and (iii) the structures. Finally, it claims that if prosodic structure is considered as an independent level of grammar, the grammaticality of the sentences discussed in this paper can automatically be derived from an interaction between rules or constraints of different levels of the grammar.

关 键 词: 韵律结构 字句 句法构造 现代汉语 宾语 句子 重新分析 句法结构 基础结构

领  域: [语言文字—汉语]


作者 冯胜利
作者 彭学修
作者 吕玲娣
作者 魏日宁
作者 汪新筱


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 香港中文大学
