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A Study on Female Education and Literature of Anhdong Kim Family

作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳大学文学院

出  处: 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2015年第3期24-32,共9页

摘  要: 虽然朝鲜社会的主流思想认为女性的职责是"中馈织纴","文墨之才非其所宜",但士大夫阶层从家族传承与子女教育的角度出发,认为女性也应该学习《小学》、《内训》、《女诫》等等,这就为女性读书识字开启了门径。而安东金氏家族的男性对女性亲近书册尤为包容,在他们的鼓励与帮助之下,家族中出现了不少有"女中君子"、"女中大儒"之称的女性。再加上金盛达的倡导,更使家族女性文学达到繁盛,金浩然斋就是其中最出色的女性文人。由一斑窥全豹,从安东金氏家族女性文学的兴盛可以看出16世纪后期至18世纪中期朝鲜女性教育与女性创作的关系。 It was a main mainstream idea in the period of the Joseon Dynasty that a woman's place was in the house doing household chores like cooking and needlework while reading and literary creation was inappropriate for them. However, in consideration of family tradition and children's education, the scholar officials class thought women also needed to study Xiaoxue, Neixun, Nüjie and so forth, which opened up a gateway for women to read and write. In Anh-dong Kim family, men not only showed great tolerance toward women's interest in reading and writing, but also encouraged them to do so, hence there appeared quite a few brilliant women in the family known as "women of noble characters" or "great female scholars". Besides, with Kim Seongdal's support, female literature thrived in the family, from which Kim Hoyeonjae was one of the greatest female literators. As the old saying goes, "from the claw we may infer the lion". The prosperity of female literature in Anh-dong Kim Family offers us a glimpse of the relationship between female education and female literature in the period of the Joseon Dynasty from the late 16 th century to the middle of 18 th century.

关 键 词: 安东金氏 女性教育 女性创作 金盛达 金浩然斋

领  域: [文学—世界文学]


作者 左江
作者 贾孟喜
作者 伍毅敏
作者 罗丙能
作者 温梅英


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东女子职业技术学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
