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Cultural Interpretation of E-sports Development Dilemma in China

作  者: (蒋毅); ;

机构地区: 广东科技学院

出  处: 《成都体育学院学报》 2022年第1期49-54,共6页

摘  要: 电子竞技发端于西方文化语境之中,刻有深深的西方文化烙印,属于现代文明中一种大势所趋的先锋文化。电子竞技在中国的发展应重视与本土文化之间的差异,因为这种差异生成了制约中国电子竞技发展的文化桎梏。研究表明:电子竞技的部分文化特征与中国传统价值取向相违;我国锻炼文化现状与电子竞技所依托的成熟社会体育文化基础相距甚远;电子竞技的"造星模式"与中国传统倡导的成才路径相悖。建议:加强行业监管,提升内涵,鼓励开发出更多顺应中国社会文化心理的电竞产品;以体育锻炼为抓手,丰富休闲生活方式,为电竞发展营造一个宽松的外环境;提高行业社会认知,培育多元成才观,夯实中国电子竞技行业发展的人才基础。展望未来,中国电子竞技的发展必将走上一条崎岖、坎坷的前进之路。 E-sports, originated from western cultural context and greatly characterized by western culture, is a pioneering culture in modern civilization. However, its development in China is affected by the constraints derived from the difference between western culture and the local culture. The study suggests that: some cultural characteristics of e-sports are not in line with the traditional Chinese value;there is a big gap between the existing domestic sports culture and the mature social sports cultural foundation that e-sports depends on;the star-making mode in e-sports industry is contrary to the pattern of talent cultivation advocated by Chinese cultural tradition. Suggestions: stepping up industrial supervision, upgrading its connotation, encouraging the development of more e-sports products that conform to Chinese social and cultural psychology;taking physical exercise as the starting point, enriching the leisure lifestyle to create a relaxed external environment for the development of e-sports;improving social awareness of the industry, and fostering a pluralistic outlook on talent development to strengthen the talent base for the development of e-sports industry in China. Looking forward to the future, the development of e-sports in China will inevitably undergo a tough path full of twists and turns.

关 键 词: 电子竞技 发展困境 文化差异 制约 体育文化 体育比赛

领  域: [文化科学—体育学]


作者 于红民
作者 申桂平
作者 刘利鸥
作者 陈瑜文
作者 赵学峰


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州体育学院
机构 广东石油化工学院
机构 暨南大学
