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An Experimental Study of Preferential Effects in the Comprehension Process of Ambiguous Sentences

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 第四军医大学

出  处: 《解放军外国语学院学报》 2000年第2期31-34,共4页

摘  要: 从语言分析的角度来看 ,歧义句可以作优先性和非优先性的解释和理解。实验证明 ,歧义语句理解中的优先效应依赖于歧义句的性质和类型。在我们的实验中 ,由于实验材料的问题 ,这一效应的表现依句子的歧义类型不同而有所不同。在语义歧义中 ,句子本身歧义程度比较高时 ,两种解释具有相等的被选概率 ,句子的两种意义可以在被试那里得到相同的表征 ,优先效应的表现不够明显。在语义歧义中句子本身歧义程度比较低时 ,两种解释中 ,其中一种为优先性解释 ,句子的优先意义在被试那里得到优先表征 。 From the view of language analysis, the interpretation and comprehension of ambiguious sentences can be approached from the aspects of preference and non-preference. It is found that the preferential effects in the comprehension process of ambiguous sentences depend on the nature and category of ambiguous sentences. Because of the limitations of our experimental materials, the expression of this effect is quite different according to the category of ambiguity. If the sentence itself has a higher degree of semantic ambiguity both explanations have an equal alternative probability and the two meanings of the sentence can get the same representation among the subjects, but the preferential effects are not clear enough. If the sentence itself has a lower degree of semantic ambiguity, one of the two explanations can be regarded as the preferential explanation, and the preferential meaning in the sentence can get preferential representation among the subjects, and the preferential effects are more significant.

关 键 词: 歧义句 优先性 认知

领  域: [语言文字—英语]


作者 问芳莲
作者 谭珍珍
作者 回坤
作者 罗明星
作者 侯菲


机构 广州大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心
机构 资源与环境系
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院
