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On the Practice of Private Industrial Economy in Jin Cha Ji Border Region During the Anti Japanese War(1937—1945)

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学文学院

出  处: 《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2001年第1期121-124,共4页

摘  要: 抗战时期 ,为发展边区经济 ,摆脱战时经济困境 ,晋察冀边区政府注重发展私营经济 ,并在资金、税收、技术方面对私营工业予以扶持。边区私营工业的发展具有如下特点 :1.在工业布局上 ,多集中于投资少、收效快的手工业、家庭副业方面 ;2 .私营经济与公营经济通过多种集资与经营方式相互融合 ,相互促进 ;3.实施劳资两利的政策。 During the anti Japanese War, in order to develop the economy in Jin Cha Ji Border Region and overcome the economic crises in the war, the government of Jin Cha Ji Border Region put a lot of effort in developing the private industrial economy, concerning capital investment, taxation and technology. The development of the industry had the following features: 1.Handicraft and household sideline production which needed less capital but gained more profits formed the main part of the industry. 2.Private sector of the economy and the public sector of the economy blended and promoted interactively. 3.Policy of benefiting to both labourer and capital was employed. Theres much in this economy system that we can make use of today in the development of private owned economy.

关 键 词: 晋察冀边区 工业私营经济 抗战时期 经营方式 工业结构布局 企业生产关系

领  域: [经济管理—产业经济]


作者 粟孟林
作者 张雷
作者 刘盛
作者 榻倩红
作者 黄小坚


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学文学院历史学系
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学文学院


作者 邓志旺
作者 蒋学民