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Study on the Organizational Reconstruction while Deepening the Comprehensive Reform

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 暨南大学管理学院

出  处: 《中国发展》 2013年第2期47-51,共5页

摘  要: 原有的层级制组织结构由于存在高行政成本、监督成本和影响成本,以及对环境适应性低的缺陷,成为制约经济发展和社会进步的瓶颈之一。在不断变化的新形势下,政府应打破层级制和集权,采取分类和分层治理等措施进行组织重构,逐步转向网络组织结构。同时,注意分化改革中的各种阻力,即传统习惯势力的束缚、既得利益者的反对以及转换成本的存在。 Due to the intrinsic defects of the structure for bureaucratically hierarchical organizations, such as high administrative, supervising and influential costs, as well as the low environment adaptability, it has become one of the bottlenecks that binder the economic development and social progress. In a constantly changing environ- ment, the government should break the bureaucratically hierarchical structure and centralized control, adopt rele- vant countermeasures such as classification governance and stratification governance, in a bid to promote organiza- tion reconstruction and turn to the network organization structure. At the same time, the government should also fo- cus on dissolving the resistance from the conventional conservative forces, the interests groups and the risks of switching costs.

关 键 词: 综合改革 组织重构 网络组织结构

领  域: [经济管理—管理学]


作者 康丽群
作者 谷志文


机构 暨南大学管理学院


作者 宋彦军
作者 刘晓明
作者 邓蓉晖
作者 葛梅
作者 孙晓岭