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Structure and Weight of the Goal System of Complex Organizations:Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Test

作  者: ;

机构地区: 南昌大学经济与管理学院

出  处: 《商业经济与管理》 2019年第1期35-48,共14页

摘  要: 文章结合复杂组织和内外部环境特征,通过理论分析和实证检验,构建了以持续发展为导向的复杂组织目标体系的五维度模型,并在此基础上运用GANP法确定了各级目标的权重。研究结果发现:以持续发展为导向的复杂组织目标体系分为表达性目标和应对性目标,前者包含盈利性、创新性和福利性目标,后者包含合作性和合法性目标;五个主维度目标相互联系、相互影响,体现了复杂组织持续发展所需的物质基础、智力基础和内外部关系基础。研究还发现:以内部导向为主的表达性目标和以外部导向为主的应对性目标对复杂组织持续发展的重要作用几乎相同;主维度目标的核心子目标分别是净利润、技术创新、员工效用、组织声誉和组织合法性,不断地发现和创造新需求、创新技术、积累人力资本、提高组织声誉和获得组织合规合法性是复杂组织持续发展的动力源泉。文章解决了复杂组织目标模糊、难以量化和价值错配等问题,为复杂条件下的组织战略管理从理论和实践两方面提供了新的思路和借鉴。 Based on the features of complex organizations and their external and internal environments,this paper builds a five-dimension model of the goal system of complex organizations for sustainable development.Then,it calculates the weights of every goal with GANP method.The results of empirical analysis maintains that the goal system of complex organizations is composed of both expressive and reflective goals,the former covers the goals of profitability,innovation and welfare and the latter includes the goals of cooperation and legitimacy.These five interrelated and interacted key dimensions represent the physical,intellectual and social foundations for sustainable development.Further studies show that expressive goals with the internal orientation and coping goals with the external orientation have almost the same effect on sustainable development;net profit,technological innovation,employees utility,organizational reputation and government regulation are the key sub-goals;the growth of the complex organization is driven by continuous discovery for new requirements,technological innovation,accumulation of human capital,improvement of organizational reputation and acquisition of regulative legitimacy.This paper solves the problems of goal ambiguity,quantifying difficulty and value mismatch in organizational goal system,provides a new research perspective and theoretical foundation for the strategic management of complex organization,and proposes some suggestions for management practice.

关 键 词: 复杂组织 目标体系 组织环境 战略管理

领  域: [经济管理—企业管理] [经济管理—国民经济]


作者 陈兆仓
作者 黄小军
作者 麻小红
作者 周振喜
作者 廖刚


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


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作者 周月容
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