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Broadening the Compiling of Chinese Literary History

作  者: ;

机构地区: 曲阜师范大学

出  处: 《北华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第3期121-132,共12页

摘  要: 中国人从20世纪初开始编写文学史,有通史、断代史、地域史、民族史和文体史,甚至还有以语言、作品的作者类型为特征的专门史。其实,还可以文学的主题或题材的演变为其体例,如以各种文体历史题材的演变为体例,也就是"中国历史文学史"。按这个思路,可以把中国历史文学的发展划分为四个阶段:先秦至两汉文隐于史的阶段、魏晋至两宋文史分流的阶段、元至清史隐于文的阶段、民国初至今文史兼容的阶段。《中国历史文学》(先秦两汉)作为国家社科规划基金项目成果已经出版,先行做了尝试性探索,其阐述的就是文隐于史的阶段。这种历史文学史体例,对于中国文学发展史研究来说,是一种新开拓。 Chinese have been compiling literary history since the beginning of 20th century,including generalhistory,period history,regional history,national history,stylistic history,even history of specialty which featuresare based on language and the author’s types. However,we can also use literary themes’ evolution as a layout.For example,we can make the variety of stylistic historical themes’ evolution as style,that is to say,“Chinese his-torical literary history”. In this way,we can divide the development of Chinese historical literature into 4 periods:the Pre-Qin Period to the Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasties period,in which literature is subordinate to itshistory;Wei and Jin Dynasties to the two Song Dynasties period,in which literature and history developed sepa-rately;Yuan Dynasty to Qing Dynasty period,in which history is subordinate to its literature;the beginning of Na-tional Government up to now period,in which literature and history mutually developed. Chinese Historical Litera-ture(the Pre-Qin Period and the Two Han’ s Dynasties) has been published as a research achievement of ourcountry’s social science planned fund project,which is an exploration to illustrate the period of literature subordi-nate to its history. The style of historical literary history is a new attempt to the research of Chinese literary development.

关 键 词: 文学史 体例 分期 历史文学 先秦两汉

领  域: [文学—世界文学]


作者 何光顺
作者 刘起林
作者 李博泓
作者 于薇
作者 孙立


机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学文学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
