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Community Strategy for the Self-identity of Rural Pre-service Teachers under the Police of Educational Accurate Assistance

作  者: ;

机构地区: 罗定职业技术学院

出  处: 《陕西学前师范学院学报》 2020年第2期100-104,共5页

摘  要: 在“乡村振兴战略”支持下,乡村基础教育发展较快,然而教师流失与缺失问题依然存在。乡村教师的自我身份认同感并不高,且应成为精准帮扶的核心内容。以乡村职前教师为例展开调研,发现该群体在实习实践过程中存在师生认知不足,教学管理的指导低效,乡村文化融入不佳及实习就业保障制度不优等成长症结,特从个体、学校、社区及政策层面提出精准帮扶其成长的共同体策略。职前教师作为乡村基础教育的师资储备之一,应以共修方式来提升其专业成长可成为发展师资的重要思路。 With the support of Rural Revitalization Strategy,the rural elementary education develops rapidly.However,the problem of loss and lack of teachers still exist,which shows that the self-identity of rural teachers is not high and should be accurately assisted.Then this paper takes the rural pre-service teachers as a research object,and finds out that there are some problems in the process of teaching practice,for example,the lack of cognition between teachers and students,the low efficiency of teaching management and guidance,the poor integration of rural culture and the poor internship and employment policy.It thus puts forward community strategies of accurate assistance from the individual,school,community and policy levels.As pre-service teachers are the back-force of elementary education,it is important to enhance their professional growth by means of community activities.

关 键 词: 共同体 自我身份认同 乡村职前教师 精准帮扶

领  域: [文化科学—学前教育学] [文化科学—教育学]


作者 桂拉旦
作者 付兰
作者 王礼申
作者 韩永红
作者 谭同学


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东技术师范学院


作者 费广洪
作者 刘华
作者 秦毅
作者 张龙
作者 黄晓彤