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Zhao Bian and Xining Political Situation

作  者: ;

机构地区: 浙江省社会科学院

出  处: 《齐鲁学刊》 2012年第4期44-48,共5页

摘  要: 赵抃历仕仁宗、英宗、神宗三朝,先后担任过殿中侍御史、侍御史、右司谏、知御史杂事、三司度支副使、右谏议大夫、参知政事等要职,是北宋仁宗至神宗年间有着重要影响的官员。在熙宁政局中,赵抃作为旧党的一员,反对变法,与王安石在御史选任制度、青苗法和治理成都府等方面发生全面冲突。反复抗争无效后,他辞去参知政事一职,离开中枢。他的命运,是旧党士大夫在熙宁政局中命运的缩影。他与王安石为首的变法派的冲突,也反映了专制社会政治的致命缺陷:缺乏协调机制的党争,起不到相互制衡,只能是你死我活的斗争! Zhao Bian, being an official in Renzong, Shenzong and Yingzong these three reign periods in northern Song Dynasty, had served such important positions as a Dian Zhong Shi Yu Shi , Shi Yu Shi and CanZhi ZhengShi, etc. , who had an important impact during the periods of Emperor Renzong and Shenzong. In the political situation of Xining, as an old Party member, Zhao Bian opposed the reform, and had all-out conflicts with Wang Anshi in the official selection system, Qingmiao law and governance of Chengdu ' s. Repeated protests being proved invalid, he resigned from the post of CanZhi ZhengShi. His fate was the old party literati' s fate in mini- ature. The conflict between him and the reformist-Wang Anshi, also reflected the authoritarian political fatal defects: party struggle without coordination mechanism led no way but a fight at outrange.

关 键 词: 赵抃 王安石 熙宁政局 青苗法

领  域: [历史地理—历史学] [历史地理—中国史]


作者 白效咏
作者 张其凡
作者 罗鸿韵


机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学文学院
机构 浙江省社会科学院


作者 周琍
作者 王双印
作者 陈海先
作者 李有刚
作者 宾华