作 者: ;
机构地区: 汕头职业技术学院
出 处: 《南方职业教育学刊》 2016年第3期45-51,共7页
摘 要: 地方大专师范院校办学规模和专业结构的变动调整,受制于人口变动状况对基础教育师资的需求。本研究采集了汕头市所属的九年义务教育阶段适龄儿童(1995~2012年)的人口出生数和在学学生数,采用数据分析,召开座谈的方法,结合办学单位的招生就业实际情况,分析研究得出有关汕职院未来师范类办学的若干结论,并提出相关建议。 Changes in the scale of school running and professional structure of local colleges and universities are subject to the demand of teachers for basic education. In this study, we collected the birth number and the number of students in the nine-year compulsory education period (1995-2012) in Shantou, using data analysis, having discussions, combined with the actual situation of school enrollment and employment, we come to the relevant conclusions about the future of the school and put forward some relevant proposals.
关 键 词: 人口变动 师资需求 办学规模 师范类专业 结构调整
领 域: [文化科学—教育学]