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A Research on" Zhi Bian School殖边学堂" in Beijing and Its Effects during the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学教育科学学院

出  处: 《民族研究》 2017年第1期100-116,共17页

摘  要: 清末新政时期设立的北京"殖边学堂",是现代民族高等教育体制发端时期两所代表性学堂之一。它由那彦图、博迪苏为首的蒙古王公集资创立,范源濂等有识之士帮助管理,招收内地学生,讲授蒙藏语言、史地及普通西学,缩短学习年限,以补学部官办满蒙文高等学堂等主要培养通才或专才无法速成的不足,得到中央政府充分肯定、部分省区资助,并拟借鉴推广,总体效果显著。其保边固圉的爱国情怀、不分族别的开放态度、文化交融的教育宗旨,至今为人称道。但公立官助的办学性质、边疆学生的生源缺乏及内地学生的畏难情绪等因素,也制约了这所学校及其改设筹边高等学校的长远发展,折射出现代民族高等教育起步阶段的艰难曲折。 Zhi Bian School'which was established in Beijing during the New Policies Period of the Late Qing,was a typical school at the initial stage of the modern ethnic higher education.It was founded by Mongol princes and dukes headed by Nayantu那彦图and Bodisu博迪苏,and was managed by insightful men such as Fan Yuanlian范源濂.The school admitted students from the interior,and taught Mongolian and Tibetan language,history,geography and general western learning.It also shortened the term to fill up a deficiency of the Manchu and Mongolian Colleges run by the Board of Education where generalists and experts were hard to be trained in a short time.The school was praised by the central government,and sponsored by some provinces.The authorities also planed to promote the school in other places.In sum,the school brought about a striking effect.It is worth to be praised for its patriotism of defense and consolidation of the borderland,inclusive attitude toward different ethnic groups and educational purpose of blending among different cultures.However,the long-term development of'Zhi Bian School'and its successor'Chou Bian Higher School筹边高等学校'was constrained by its nature of public and state-sponsored school,lack of border students,fear of difficulty among Han students.It reflected the difficulty at the initial stage of the modern ethnic higher education.

关 键 词: 殖边学堂 筹边高等学校 那彦图 博迪苏 范源濂

领  域: [文化科学—教育学]


作者 刘银伟
作者 李晓娴
作者 涂健
作者 鲍静静
作者 徐利治


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系
机构 暨南大学文学院


作者 秦毅
作者 张龙
作者 黄晓彤
作者 何晓青
作者 徐平利