作 者: ;
机构地区: 顺德职业技术学院
出 处: 《湖北招生考试》 2015年第3期4-9,共6页
摘 要: 高考与名校中的公平总会成为高考改革与高考实践中的重要话题。这其中既包含着考生及公众对传统"状元情结"的崇拜,又反映了名校作为"精英高等教育部门"的"高度选择性"的现实。但是,从高考改革实践来看,公平取向的高考制度设计常常成为名校声誉寻租的路径,其中隐含着"公平被名校绑架"了的现实。公平作为高考改革的宗旨将长期存在,因此,在卓越与公平之间寻找高考改革的路径是解决高考公平现实困境的必然选择。 Fairness is always a hot issue in current gaokao and top universities, esp. in gaokao reform. This issue is a kind of reflection of both a worship of the top candidates from the public and a truth of cruel competition among top universities. But in fact, from the implementation of gaokao reform, fairness has been a means for the universities to pretend to be famous and fair. In this case,it is a "kidnapped fairness" for universities. Such being the case, fairness is supposed to be an everlasting pursuit for the whole society; therefore, the only option for us is to keep a balance between fairness and efficiency.
领 域: [文化科学—教育学]