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The Platform Monopoly of Digital Economy:Generative Logic,Risk Identification and Governance Path

作  者: ; (林寿富);

机构地区: 福建师范大学经济学院

出  处: 《经济研究参考》 2022年第11期94-107,共14页

摘  要: 作为数字经济的典型特征,平台经济在野蛮生长的同时也在无序扩张,垄断协议、“二选一”、大数据“杀熟”等垄断行为频发,给企业、行业和国家等带来一系列风险隐患,成为制约数字经济高质量发展的障碍。本文从平台经济的互联网属性以及多边市场属性出发,考虑平台经济需求端与供给端双方经济特性,综合数字经济下数据要素的影响,重新演绎平台垄断的生成逻辑。按照该逻辑,垄断是平台经济发展的必然。这种必然性使得平台经济涉及的多个相关利益主体,包括平台竞争者、平台内的商户、消费者等,面临诸多风险点,本文将从各个层面对平台垄断造成的风险点逐一辨识。最后,针对各个风险点,提出营造公平公正的平台企业竞争环境、搭建维护平台商户利益的营商生态、建立保障消费者福利的市场机制、反对数据垄断并加强数据治理等平台垄断的治理路径。 As a typical feature of the digital economy,while the platform economy is growing wildly,it is also expanding disorderly.Monopoly agreements,“two choose one”,“big data killing”and other monopolistic behaviors frequently occur.They has brought a series of hidden risks and has been an obstacle to the high-quality development of digital economy.Starting from the Internet attributes and multilateral market attributes of the platform economy,considering the economic characteristics of both the demand side and the supply side of the platform economy,and integrating the influence of data elements in digital economy,this paper reinterprets the generative logic of platform monopoly.According to this logic,monopoly is a certainty with the development of platform economy.The certainty has brought various risks to the multiple stakeholders involved in the platform economy,including platform competitors,merchants and consumers on the platform.This paper then identifies the risk points caused by platform monopoly at each aspect.Finally,in view of various risk points,this paper proposes the governance path for platform monopoly,such as creating a fair and just competition environment for platform enterprises,building a business ecosystem that safeguards the interests of platform merchants,establishing the market mechanism to protect consumer welfare,opposing data monopoly and strengthening data governance.

关 键 词: 平台垄断 生成逻辑 风险辨识 治理路径

领  域: [经济管理—产业经济] [政治法律—经济法学] [政治法律—法学]


作者 蔡晓阳
作者 章建平
作者 荆长岭
作者 涂成林
作者 陈江华


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 中山大学


作者 叶卫平
作者 李朝晖
作者 蔡奕
作者 吴燕妮
作者 李锐