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Recent Development of English Pronunciation Assessment and Testing Studies:World Trends and Their Messages for the Teaching in China

作  者: (田朝霞); ;

机构地区: 南京师范大学

出  处: 《中国外语》 2015年第3期80-86,共7页

摘  要: 语言评估和语言教学紧密相关,前者既为后者指明方向,也对后者进行检验。近年来,世界范围内英语语音(口语)评估与测试领域的相关实证研究显示出两大趋势:第一,语音标准的关注点从口音(accentedness)转向可理解度(comprehensibility)和清晰度(intelligibility),强调交际的有效性。第二,超音段语音特征(节奏、重音、语调)能够较准确地反映可理解度和清晰度,并可作为客观评定口音、可理解度和清晰度的指标。研究趋势给全球化情境中的语音教学带来启示:教学重点应转向语流和韵律,特别是作为交际有效性评估参数的超音段语音特征;同时应关注与词汇、句法的整合。 Language assessment and testing are closely related to language teaching, with the former setting standards for the latter in formulating its objectives and contents and meanwhile evaluating the results of the latter. Recent empirical studies of ESL pronunciation testing in the international academia have showed two major trends:Firstly, the focus of evaluation has shifted from accentedness to the dimensions of intelligibility and comprehensibility, pointing to the effectiveness of communication;and secondly, the advance in technology allows suprasegmental features to function as objective measures of intelligibility and comprehensibility. The new characteristics of empirical studies shed light on the current teaching of English as a global language. On the one hand, the teaching as well as evaluation should closely observe effective communication reflected in suprasegamental fea0ares. On the other hand, the teaching of pronunciation, therefore, should shift its focus onto connected speech and prosody, which requires an incorporation of vocabulary and grammar as a whole.

关 键 词: 英语语音评估与测试 超音段音位特征与语音评估 可理解度 清晰度 口音 语音教学

领  域: [语言文字—英语]


作者 张维
作者 金檀
作者 刘晓斌
作者 方岚
作者 肖燕丽


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学
