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Poor Sleep Means Poor Work: The Effect and Mechanisms of Working Members' Nighttime Sleep Deprivation on Daytime Working Behavior

作  者: (李爱梅); (孙海龙); ;

机构地区: 暨南大学管理学院

出  处: 《外国经济与管理》 2018年第10期94-106,共13页

摘  要: 随着社会经济的快速发展,组织成员的睡眠不足问题已经引起了管理者和研究者的广泛关注。通过系统回顾相关研究,本文对组织成员睡眠不足的概念界定与测量方法进行了梳理,重点阐述了组织成员的睡眠不足对领导行为、追随行为和创新行为的负面影响。文章基于自我损耗理论,构建了组织成员晚间睡眠不足影响日间工作行为的理论模型:(1)组织成员的睡眠不足会带来自我损耗,包括认知损耗和情绪损耗两方面;(2)组织成员睡眠不足通过认知损耗和情绪损耗双路径负向作用于其日间工作行为,两种损耗的交互作用会进一步加剧组织成员睡眠不足的负面影响;(3)个人特质和组织因素会在组织成员因睡眠不足所导致的负面影响中起到调节作用。未来研究可基于中国本土背景,深入探讨组织成员睡眠不足对组织行为的影响。 Sleep is the basic physiological need of human body.However,with the rapid development of society and economy,workers are more and more engaging in overtime work,business trip,and entertainment in nighttime.Thus,nighttime sleep deprivation has attracted lots of attention among managers and researchers.Sleep deprivation has become a normal working state in the current workplace and caused critical consequences for both psychical and psychological health and job performance.It is increasingly urgent to investigate the effect of sleep deprivation on organizational behavior.In the study of working members'sleep,the quantity time of sleep and the quality of sleep are used to measure the sleep status.Sleep time refers to the number of hours that individuals keep sleep,and the sleep quality is a more comprehensive concept,including the difficulty of sleep,the sleep state,the number of waking at night,and the sense of recovery in waking time.Sleep deprivation is characterized as low sleep quality or low sleep quantity.As for research methods,measurement and experiment are two common methods in the literature.When using the scale to measure sleep,it is necessary to carefully choose the way of measurement,the item and the length of the scale according to the research question.Nighttime sleep deprivation of leaders or employees has consequences on their daytime working behavior:(1)Leaders'sleep deprivation will affect their daytime task oriented and relation oriented leadership;correspondingly,employees'sleep deprivation will affect their daytime task oriented and relation oriented followership.(2)If both leaders and employees experience sleep deprivation,there exist interactions between their sleep on daytime working behavior.(3)Sleep deprivation affects daytime working behavior and then affects job performance and team relationship.(4)Sleep deprivation can reduce the daytime cognitive flexibility and response agility,and affect the innovative behavior.Sleep deprivation affects daytime working behav

关 键 词: 睡眠不足 自我损耗 领导力 创新力 关系绩效

领  域: [经济管理—企业管理] [经济管理—国民经济]


作者 杨启艳
作者 李金旺
作者 陈烈荣
作者 余构雄
作者 张忠民


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东工业大学管理学院
机构 暨南大学管理学院


作者 张岩鸿
作者 周月容
作者 周宇
作者 周琼
作者 郑志军