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The nudge effect of “foresight for the future of our children”: Pregnancy and environmental intertemporal choice

作  者: (李爱梅); (孙海龙); (熊冠星); ;

机构地区: 暨南大学管理学院

出  处: 《心理学报》 2018年第8期858-867,共10页

摘  要: 如何做出有利于长期环境利益的跨期决策是一个重要的科学问题。4个研究探讨了为子孙后代的"长计远虑"对环境跨期决策的助推作用。研究1通过对比真实孕妇和未孕女性,探讨怀孕、长计远虑水平和环境跨期决策三者之间的关系;研究2通过启动育龄女性的怀孕状态,进一步验证了长计远虑在怀孕与环境跨期决策中的中介作用;研究3和4开发助推研究范式,探讨为子孙后代的长计远虑对环保政策支持意愿和实际环保行为的影响。结果发现:不管是真实怀孕还是实验室启动怀孕,都会提高人们的长计远虑水平,并且在环境跨期决策中偏好远期选项;将长计远虑作为一种助推手段,能够在实验室和现场研究中助推环境跨期决策。这些结论对于理解怀孕的进化功能和基于"长计远虑"开发长远环保政策具有借鉴意义。 Environmental issues are currently of particular concern in the world. Thus, it is important to understand the processes that contribute to prudent long-term choices regarding the environment. To this end, it is important to study environmental intertemporal choice, especially the improvement of foresight in environmental time discounting. The present research combined questionnaire-based, lab-based and field studies to investigate whether "Foresight for the Future of Our Children" decreased time discounting in environmental intertemporal choice. Study 1 probed the link between pregnancy and environmental intertemporal choice. Study 2 aimed to replicate the results from Study 1 by controlling for the confounding variables of the physiological state of pregnancy in a lab experiment. In Study 3, a priming paradigm was developed to test this hypothesis. Participants were instructed to indicate their degree of support for specific environmental policies after the benefits of the policy were described. The test materials were the same in the experimental and control groups with the exception that an additional phrase was included in the experimental condition: "To leave our children with blue sky, green earth, clear water, and a beautiful home". Building on Study 3, Study 4 employed a similar nudge-like intervention to investigate the effects of "Foresight for the Future of Our Children" on the extent to which participants support a federal environmental policy and donation incentive for charitable organizations. Study 1 indicated that pregnancy increased long-term thought in environmental intertemporal choice and decreased the temporal discounting rate through comparisons between pregnant and non-pregnant participants. Moreover, long-term thinking mediated the effect of pregnancy on the discounting rate in environmental intertemporal choice. Study 2 replicated the results of Study 1 regarding the links between the psychological priming of pregnancy and the discount rate in environmental intertemporal ch

关 键 词: 环境跨期决策 助推 时间折扣率 长计远虑 怀孕

领  域: [哲学宗教—应用心理学] [哲学宗教—心理学] [] []


作者 彭元
作者 胡鹏
作者 林瑞强
作者 王海侠
作者 李灵


机构 暨南大学管理学院
机构 中共茂名市委党校
机构 广东工业大学
机构 中山大学亚太研究院港澳珠江三角洲研究中心
机构 中山火炬职业技术学院
