机构地区: 延安大学中国语言文学与新闻传播学院
出 处: 《渭南师范学院学报》 2004年第3期56-61,共6页
摘 要: 西汉赋的内容变化反映了西汉赋家的心态变化,是探索赋家心路历程的重要依据。总体上讲,西汉赋家的心态变化表现在三个方面:矛盾对抗引发的隐逸意识;被迫认同后所形成的颂美倾向;依附王朝权威的兴趣减弱后所产生的疏离意识。 In the Western Han Dynasty, the variation of the Fu writers' writing contents not only reflected their mental changes but also provided significant evidences for the course of their mental progress. The mental changes can be perceived from three respects: the reclusive mentality arising from the contradiction, the inclination of praising after being identified, and the alienated awareness resulted from the loss of interest in depending on the authorities of Western Han Dynasty.
关 键 词: 西汉赋 心态变化 隐逸意识 颂美倾向 疏离意识 身份控制 专制统治
领 域: [文学—中国文学]