作 者: ;
机构地区: 南方医科大学
出 处: 《佳木斯教育学院学报》 2013年第5期437-437,439,共2页
摘 要: 竞技武术套路太极类项目特点与其它运动项目不同,太极类套路运动要求动作行云流水、刚中寓柔、柔中带刚、刚柔相济;不像武术其他类项目或其它运动项目,仅以耐力或者力量为主,从头到尾高速度完成;所以,在体能训练计划的制定中就必须将这种特殊性包含进去。 The characteristics of competitive martial arts Taiji is different from other sports exercise routines, Taiji class action requires freely flowing style just contain soft, flexible band in the martial arts, unlike other projects or other sports, only in the endurance or strength, high speed to complete from beginning to the end; therefore, in the development of physical training program, we must include the particularity.
领 域: [文化科学—民族体育] [文化科学—体育学]