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The 19th World Cup Soccer Finals Each Brigade of Stage Take the Offensive into the Ball Characteristic Regulation Research

作  者: ;

机构地区: 惠州学院体育系

出  处: 《惠州学院学报》 2011年第6期86-93,共8页

摘  要: 通过对第19届足球世界杯32个参赛队64场比赛143个进球的特征统计研究,结果表明,本届世界杯总进球数是前三届由逐届下降转为上升的折点。在90 min比赛中,下半场进球数高于上半场;全场比赛结束前15min进球数最多,比赛开始第一个15 min进球数最少。罚球区仍然是进球最多的区域,其次是罚球区前沿区域。前锋队员进球最多,依次是中场、后卫队员。在各进球方式中抢点脚射进球数位居第一,依次是头顶球进球、运球突破脚射进球。定位球进攻进球数明显列各进攻形式之首,依次是中路进攻进球、边路进攻进球。由前场组织发动进攻进球率最高,依次是中场发动进球、后场发动进球。从球门下部进球率较高,其中球门2区进球数最多,球门5区进球数最少。进球前经过队员之间"1"次传球配合后射门进球率最高,而经过"5"次以上传球后进球数明显减少。 By the 19th football World Cup 32 teams 64 games scoring 143 characteristics of statistical research, results showed that,be- fore this World Cup is the total number of goals from frame - by - session decline to rise of the third break point. In 90min competition, scoring number higher than the first half of the second half; the audience before the end of the game 15rain the maximum number of goals ,started the first 15rain the smallest number of goals. Box remains the region with the most goals ,followed by box frontier region. Forwards scoring up to, is a midfielder, then guards. In the goal scoring ranked first in the scramble for the right place in foot - launched,and ball was the top goal scoring, drive in foot - launched. Positioning the ball to score a few obvious columns of various forms of attack first ,followed by attack score is Zhong Road and the sidewalk attacking goal. Attacked by the up front organization high- est scoring rate,followed by midfielder launched after levying scoring,field goal. From the lower part of the goal scoring rate is higher, which goal area 2 the maximum number of goals, goal number 5 goals at least. Between goals after which players "1" pass combined with shooting after scoring the highest rate of,after "5" more than once after passing the marked decline in the number of goals.

关 键 词: 足球 届世界杯 进球 特征

领  域: [文化科学—体育训练] [文化科学—体育学]


作者 薛俊
作者 谢耿芳
作者 王枫林
作者 郭瑞青
作者 邹德文


机构 广州体育学院
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 广东体育职业技术学院
机构 华南理工大学体育学院
机构 暨南大学
