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Research on progress commonly used Traditional Chinese Medicion for the treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding

作  者: (姜英); ; (冯欣);

机构地区: 首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院

出  处: 《临床药物治疗杂志》 2018年第1期38-41,共4页

摘  要: 本文将功能性子宫出血的中医治疗分为热、虚和瘀3个证型,包括虚热型、实热型、肾虚型、脾虚型及血瘀型,需根据不同的临床表现进行辨证论治。指出中医治疗功能性子宫出血强调辨证论治,注重补肾固本,滋阴养血,清热止血,行气化瘀;在中药的选择上注重选取滋而不腻,补气而不生热的中药。同时配以少许止血活血之品。同时本文总结了常用的中药,通过对近十几年相关文献的总结归纳,从现代药效试验的角度分析了中药药效的差异,旨在为中医药治疗功能性子宫出血的中医临床辨证分型和用药进行探索。 This article reviewed the Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment for functional dysfunction uterine performance into three syndromes including "bleed" "heating" and "deficiency" and the therapies are different based on different clinical manifestations. The main points of treating dysfunctional uterine bleeding using Traditional Chinese Medicine include supplementing kidney functions, nourishing yin and blood, removing excessive hotness and stopping bleeding. As for the selection of Chinese herbs, the herbs which can suitably nourish, supplement qi but not produce hotness were chosen with herbs which can stop bleeding and enhancing blood circulation. In addition, this article summarized commonly used Chinese herbs and analyzed the differences in efficacy among Chinese herbs from the perspective of modern pharmacodynamic studies in order to probe into syndrome differentiation and treatment of functional uterine bleeding using Traditional Chinese Medicine.

关 键 词: 功能性子宫出血 辨证论治 中药

领  域: [医药卫生—妇产科学] [医药卫生—临床医学]


作者 赵燕芳
作者 朱钢
作者 任宽
作者 杜豆
作者 陈长清


机构 暨南大学
机构 广州中医药大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东药科大学
机构 广州中医药大学中药学院
