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XUE Zhongli the man

作  者: ;

机构地区: 汕头大学

出  处: 《汕头大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 1999年第2期84-91,共8页

摘  要: 宋明时代的岭东潮州,封建文明步人繁荣昌盛的高峰期。明嘉靖年间,阳明心学风行潮州,形成了具有特色的潮州王门学派。这一学派的代表人物便是薛中离。本文主要根据薛中离的个人编著、明史、家港及有关史赐,对薛中离一生对王阳明心学的师承、传播和实践(主要是从政的政治实践和造福家乡策划着举的社会实践)进行全面的论述,并着重对其学术思想和个人修养作了客观的阐述与评价。 The period form the song Dynasty down to the Ming Ming Dynasty saw a high peak in the prosperity of China's feudal culture. During the rule of Ming Emperor Shi Zong with the reign title of Jiajing, WANG Yangming's philosophy of the mind was prevalent at Chaozhou, forming what so called Chaozhou's WANC Yangming of thought with XUE Zhongli as one of its representatives. Thispaper,based chiefly upon History of the Ming Dynasty, XUE Zhongli's works his family pedigree,and some other histrical literature,conducts a comperehensive discussion over XUE Zhonglis'successionof teachings form his masters his dissemination of WANG Yangming's doctrine,and his political career and other social practice such as his philanthropic acts to benefit his townsfolk all his life ,whit emphasison an objecrtive exposition and evaluation of his acadenhc thought and self cultivation.

关 键 词: 薛中离 心学 立朝处世 社会实践 学术思想

领  域: [哲学宗教—中国哲学]


作者 黄赞发
作者 廖丹琪
作者 章继光
作者 柏友进
作者 赵灿鹏


机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学历史文化学院
机构 汕头大学


作者 高丽敏
作者 高予远
作者 赵艺竹
作者 刘婉华