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A Comparative Study of the Professional Length and the Experience of Competitions Between Chinese and American Men's Basketball in the Latest Seven Olympic Games

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 韩山师范学院体育学院

出  处: 《韩山师范学院学报》 2017年第3期65-72,共8页

摘  要: 采用数理统计法和比较法,从横向和纵向两个角度,对近七届中美奥运男篮队员的职业球龄和比赛经验进行比较分析,以寻找影响中国奥运男篮成绩的关键因素.结果表明:中国球员进入职业篮球领域比美国球员早,平均职业球龄比美国男篮队员长;但过早进入职业篮球领域,对中国球员的职业生涯存在负面影响;中国年轻球员的成长期长于美国球员,但成长期中的比赛场数、比赛水平、比赛强度均小于美国球员,导致中美男篮实力差距较大;比赛经验是决定奥运男篮成绩的关键因素.建议:采用体教结合的模式,延缓中国球员进入职业篮球领域的年龄;并继续深化CBA职业化,增加比赛轮次,给年轻球员创造更多比赛机会;支持中国球员出外深造,获得高水平比赛经验. Based on mathematical statistics and comparative analysis from horizontal and vertical aspects,the thesis carries out a comparative study of the professional length and the experience of competition between Chinese and American Men’s Basketball,aiming to find out the key factors that influence the achievements of the Chinese Olympic Men’s basketball team.The main conclusions are as below.Chinese basketball players enter the professional basketball field earlier than American players do.However,to enter the professional too early field has a negative effect on the professional life of Chinese players.The growing period of professional development of Chinese young players is longer than American ones’,but during this period they attend fewer games than American ones,whose level and intensity are less than theirs,causing a big strength gap between them.Experience is the key factor determining the achievements of Olympic Basketball.The suggestions include adopting an integrative pattern of sports training and physical education to delay the age of Chinese players entering the professional field,continuing to deepen the CBA professionalization,adding more competitions to create more chances in the field for young players,supporting young players to further training and education abroad in order to acquire high-leveled competitive experience.

关 键 词: 奥运男篮 职业球龄 比赛经验 巅峰期 成长期

领  域: [文化科学—体育训练] [文化科学—体育学]


作者 朱黎明
作者 苏松鹏
作者 龚文豪
作者 陆明辉
作者 周洪珍


机构 广州体育学院
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 韩山师范学院
