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The Government Streamlining Reform Under Digital Governance:A Case Study of the Housing Provident Fund Management Reform in Taiyuan with a Comparison with Zhejiang Fund

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中国人民大学公共管理学院

出  处: 《领导科学论坛》 2020年第11期25-34,共10页

摘  要: 当前,"放管服"改革已进入全面深化的阶段,浙江省"最多跑一次"的改革成效显著,广为人知。在数字治理背景下,当自身不具备优势环境条件时,地方政府该从哪些领域入手制定适合有效的具体实施路径,分阶段、分步骤地推动"放管服"改革呢?本文以上述问题为出发点,介绍太原市住房公积金管理服务改革的经验,并与浙江省的改革经验进行对比。研究发现,作为一个内陆城市,太原市选择了以点带面、重点突破的不同改革路径,在改革需求度、群众关注度和技术敏感度都很高的住房公积金服务领域率先实施改革,并应用成熟技术,充分发挥组织领导力,灵活调动市场资源,最终后来居上,实现了"零跑路、零资料、零审批"的服务目标,显著提升了服务效能。太原市的数字化改革之路显示出一个从公共服务流程再造到部门在线协作,再到政府权力结构重塑的过程,最终促成当地整体性政府基本治理格局的转变"。太原经验"也为其他地区和部门进行数字治理下的"放管服"改革提供了有益借鉴。 At present,the reform of"government streamlining"has entered a stage of comprehensive deepening.It is well-know that Zhejiang Province has accumulated rich experiences in the government streamlining reforms.In the context of digital governance,when a local government has not acquired necessary preferred conditions,in which areas should local governments start to formulate suitable and effective implementation paths,and promote the"deregulation"reform step by step?Based on the research questions,this article introduces the experience of the housing provident fund management serivce in Taiyuan,and compares it with Zhejiang’s experiences.This study is found that as an inland city,Taiyuan has chosen different reform paths with points,areas,and key breakthroughs.In the field of housing provident fund services with high demand for reform,public attention and technical sensitivity,it has taken the lead in implementing reforms and applying mature technologies to give full play to organizational leadership and flexibly mobilize market resources.Eventually,we achieved a"zero-ru,zero data,zero approval"service goal has significantly improved service efficiency.The road of digital reform in Taiyuan shows a process from public service process reengineering to department online collaboration,and then to the restruction of the government's power structure,which ultimately contributs to the transformation of the local government's overall governance structure.Taiyuan experience also provides a useful reference for other regions and departments to carry out the reform of"deregulation and service"under digital governance.

关 键 词: 放管服 改革 数字治理 住房公积金 太原经验

领  域: [政治法律—政治学] [政治法律—中外政治制度]


作者 李厚强
作者 曾祥生
作者 朱亚鹏
作者 李一乔
作者 吴成钢


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院
机构 吉林大学珠海学院
机构 暨南大学


作者 程浩
作者 唐娟
作者 孙晓玲
作者 宋腊梅
作者 刘琳