机构地区: 湖南理工学院中国语言文学学院
出 处: 《语言研究》 2012年第1期55-60,共6页
摘 要: "很+名"是一个非定量的形容词性结构,其名词通过各种途径获得的形容词性的非定量语义特征是该结构形成的深层原因。以动词为中心,"很+名"在状语和补语位置上出现了对称与不对称现象,名词、句中动词的语义特征及"很+名"充当状语补语时的语义类型共同制约着这种对称与不对称。 It becomes an unavoidable fact that "很+名" is an indefinitely adjective structure, the deep reason for the formation of the structure is that the noun has acquired the indefinite semantic feature through various of ways. The structure "很+名" appears symmetry and asymmetry as the influential factors of the symmetry and asymmetry of the structure "很+名" as adverbial and complement are the semantic features of the noun, the semantic features of the verb, and the types of the structure "很+名" as adverbial and complement.
关 键 词: 很 名 结构 语义特征 句法功能 对称与不对称
领 域: [语言文字—汉语]