机构地区: 西北工业大学人文与经法学院外国语言文学系
出 处: 《山西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2008年第1期86-88,共3页
摘 要: 认知词义学认为隐喻不仅是修辞格,更是人类思维方式和轨迹的体现,是词义变化的主要方式。隐喻类推有效地运用了复式比较,使看似无相似之处的概念之间有了相似处,促进了概念意义的跨域重组,实现了词义变化。文章从隐喻类推的认知基础出发,在莱考夫经验论语义说的基础上,探讨隐喻类推在英汉两种语言词义变化中的作用,以求更深入地探索词义变化的规律,并为二语习得中的词汇习得提供新视角。 Cognitive semantics claims that metaphor is not only a rhetorical device but also a way of thinking as well as a cognitive process of meaning construction, which mainly leads to semantic changes in meaning. Through comparing similarities between two seemingly irrelevant objects, metaphor analogy promotes the cross -domain reconstruction of conceptual meanings, contributing to semantic changes. Based on Lakoff's empirist semantic theory, this paper aims to discuss the influence of metaphor analogy on semantic changes both in English and Chinese in the view of cognitive metaphor analogy, deeply exploring the regularities of semantic changes and providing a new perspective to vocabulary acquisition in SLA.
领 域: [语言文字—语言学]