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Spatial Differentiation and Influencing Factors of Livestreaming Ecommerce Development Level in China:A Case of Douyin

作  者: ; (丁志伟);

机构地区: 河南大学

出  处: 《经济地理》 2021年第12期22-32,共11页

摘  要: 以抖音带货主播数量、销售额、营销潜力为测度指标,选择8个典型商品行业为例,运用空间插值、空间自相关、基尼系数等方法分析抖音直播带货水平的空间分异特征,并运用地理探测器模型进行影响因素分析。研究表明:①从空间分布格局上看,整体呈现长三角、珠三角与京津冀地区保持领先优势,成渝地区、中原地区紧跟其后,西北西南地区相对落后的分布特征。②从空间关联格局来看,直播带货型电商经济呈现明显的空间集聚现象,且以HH、LL区分布为主。其中,显著HH区主要在苏、浙、粤的核心城市分布,集聚程度较高且正向关联效应明显;显著LL区主要在青、川、云等地集中分布,大范围低值集聚态势明显,反映出欠发达地区的电商孕育环境不佳。③从不均衡发育看,主播数量、销售额、营销潜力的集聚现象明显,地区之间存在梯度差异。从具体情况看,杭州、广州、北京等少数发达城市引领着直播带货行业的发展,对周边地区的辐射带动作用明显;而西部欠发达地区的城市的发育水平欠佳,与东部领先城市的差距可谓“天渊之别”。④从影响因素上看,电商环境支撑、信息发展水平、经济实力支撑、交通物流水平、政府战略与政策、人口受教育程度、专业化运营助力这几个方面均有重要解释作用。 Based on the quantity, sales volume and marketing potential of Douyin ecommerce livestreaming, selecting eight typical types as an example, this study analyzes the spatial characteristics of ecommerce livestreaming marketing level by the means of spatial interpolation, spatial autocorrelation and Gini coefficient, and uses the geographic detector model to explore its influencing factors. The results show that: 1) From the perspective of spatial distribution,it presents that the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region maintain a leading position,followed by Chengdu-Chongqing region and Central Plains region, the northwest and southwest regions are relatively lagging behind. 2) From the perspective of spatial correlation pattern,there is a spatial agglomeration phenomenon in the development level of livestreaming ecommerce. Significant HH areas mainly distribute in the core cities of Jiangsu,Zhejiang and Guangdong, and significant LL areas mainly concentrate in Qinghai, Sichuan and Yunnan. 3) From the perspective of uneven development,it presents obvious agglomeration on the number of ecommerce livestreaming host,sales, and marketing potential, and has gradient difference between regions. In terms of specific conditions, a few developed cities,such as Hangzhou,Guangzhou,and Beijing,lead the development of the livestreaming industry,which has a significant radiating and leading role in the surrounding areas. The development level of ecommerce livestreaming is at the inferior level in the underdeveloped areas,and there is a large gap with the leading cities in the east. 4) Ecommerce livestreaming is mainly affected by seven aspects which are ecommerce environment support, information development level,economic strength support,transportation logistics level,government strategy and policy,population quality level and specialized operation.

关 键 词: 直播带货 电商经济 主播数量 营销潜力 信息发展水平 交通物流 教育程度

领  域: [经济管理—世界经济]


作者 唐国华
作者 贾毅
作者 李峻岭
作者 李玲
作者 林耿


机构 广东科技学院
机构 广州番禺职业技术学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东工业大学管理学院
机构 广州城建职业学院


作者 刘容欣
作者 张建森
作者 苏文
作者 刘伟丽
作者 王溪若