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Spatial Difference and Influencing Factors of the Douyin Livestreaming Marketing Hosted by County Government Officials in China

作  者: (丁志伟); ;

机构地区: 河南大学

出  处: 《经济地理》 2023年第12期69-79,共11页

摘  要: 基于县长及其相关政府官员的直播带货数据,运用空间分类、核密度、区位商、类型划分等方法对中国县域政府官员的直播带货水平的空间差异及驱动力进行分析。研究发现:(1)从产品类型看,“多种型”占比最多,达62.92%;“单一型”占比次之,为32.51%;“两种型”与“三种型”占比最低,两者合计仅占4.57%。从省际差异看,隶属湖南、河南与山西等省的县域直播带货产品种类多且带货量大,而四川、青海、西藏等省区的种类较少。从主播类型看,“政府官员+主持人”最多,“政府官员+明星”最少。(2)从助农活跃度看,“昙花一现”式助农官员较多,比例高达66.87%。场次大于4的助农官员非常少,占比仅为1.05%。从参与人数看,多数县域为1~2人,少数为3~5人的组合型。数量超过5人的县域单元仅4个,分别是内蒙古乌拉特后旗、山西汾西县、甘肃靖远县与宁夏中宁县。从官员职级看,不同职级官员参与直播活动的次数差异不大,且职级高低与直播带货参与度并没有直接的关系。(3)从助农效益看,空间格局整体呈“两大核心区,多个增长极”的集聚特征,不仅形成以新疆昭苏县与河南光山县为核心的两大高水平密度圈,而且在湖北郧西、江西莲花、福建长泰以及湖南安仁等县形成多个增长极。(4)从产品区位商看,具有地理标志产品的县域单元,政府官员参与直播带货的频数较高、活跃度强且经济效益较高,但不同的地理标志产品亦有直播效益的差异。其中,瓜果蔬菜类县域单元的政府官员参与度更频繁且直播带货的销售额更高,而粮食油料类、禽畜蛋类的参与频数低且直播销售的带动效应不强。(5)从影响因素看,主要因子为直播规模与直播频率、地理品牌资源优势、官员受教育程度,次要因子为直播电商发育水平、相关产业基础实力以及互联网营商环境,一般作用因子为信息 Based on the data of Douyin ecommerce livestreaming marketing hosted by county government officials,this article uses the spatial classification,the kernel density,the location quotient,and the method of type partition to analyze the spatial pattern and influencing factors of Douyin livestreaming marketing hosted by county government officials.The results show that:1) From the perspective of frequency and product types of Douyin livestreaming marketing,county government officials mainly sold the multi-type agricultural products and the proportion of multi-type reached 62.92%.32.51% Douyin livestreaming marketing hosted by county government officials was about single-type agricultural product,4.57% was about two-type and three-type agricultural products.It had a wide range of agricultural products of Douyin livestreaming marketing in the counties of Hunan,Henan and Shanxi provinces.From the anchor type,the combination of county government official and professional host was the common mode,the combination of county government official and movie star was the least mode.2) From the active degree of Douyin livestreaming marketing hosted by county government officials,most activities were just a passing fad.In 1138 county-level administrative units,66.87% only hosts one Douyin livestreaming marketing activity,1.05% hosts over four activities.Additionally,in terms of participant numbers,the majority of counties have 1 or 2 officials engaged in sales activities and a small number of counties have 3-5 officials participating in such activities.There were only four counties with more than five officials in livestreaming activities,namely Urad Rear Banner of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Fenxi County of Shanxi,Jingyuan County of Gansu,and Zhongning County in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.From the perspective of official rank,there was not much difference in the frequency of participation in livestreaming activities among officials at different ranks,and the rank was not directly related to the degree of participation in

关 键 词: 抖音 直播带货 县域政府官员 农特产品 直播电商发育水平 地理标志产品

领  域: [社会学—人口学]


作者 文国柱
作者 欧智斌
作者 郭永英
作者 李恬
作者 潘滨


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 华南理工大学法学院
机构 深圳大学
机构 中山大学法学院


作者 马航
作者 傅崇辉